Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2386
Valoración del impacto cultural de los materiales impresos acerca del cáncer dirigidos a afroamericanosTemas de salud
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Coordinación de Humanidades, Centro de Investigaciones sobre América del Norte, 2019)
Convergencia entre reconocimiento y cultura
(Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, 2005-01)
El propósito de este artículo es esclarecer el modo de tratar, en sentido moral, las identidades colectivas en una sociedad que se precie de ser justa. En ese orden de ideas, se comentan algunos puntos de vista liberales ...
How minority members' perceptions of majority members' acculturation preferences shape minority members' own acculturation preferences: Evidence from Chile
Two survey studies were conducted in Chile with members of the indigenous minority group Mapuche (Ns = 566; 394). The aim was to find predictors of minority members' acculturation preferences, especially integration. It ...
Cultural heritage of Vaie community: Engulfed cultural heritage of minor ethnic groups by other larger ethnic groups
(Universidad del Zulia, 2020)
"Expectation is Always that the Practitioner Might Not Be Okay with Queerness": Experiences of LGBTQ plus with the Healthcare System in Saskatchewan, Canada
(Taylor and Francis, 2022)
This project aimed to explore the experiences of perceived mistrust and stigma by the LGBTQ+ members while accessing healthcare services in Saskatchewan, Canada. In partnership with local organization, a community-based ...
Minority language media studies beyond eurocentrism: Cormack’s seven conditions revisited
(Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies,, 2015-04-20)
In an article that would later be considered the first step towards the development of the Minority Language Media (MLM) area of studies, Cormack provided a set of interlocking variables that he considered should be taken ...
Ethnic Minorities and Regional Development in Asia : Reality and Challenges
The development experience in the world over the last century has shown that economic growth cannot be sustained without taking into consideration the social and political development of vulnerable populations, including ...
Pentagrama programa No. 225 Festival Barroco - Parte 3
El programa está dedicado a la música barroca o música del Barroco es el estilo musical europeo, relacionado con la época cultural homónima, que abarca aproximadamente desde el nacimiento de la ópera en torno a 1600 hasta ...
Minorías nacionales e integración de la Unión Europea, aproximación teórico metodológica
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales., 2018)