Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 65253
Critical training of mass media documentalists
(Epi, 2014-09-01)
This study takes the old myth of objectivity in media discourse to one of the most important but unrecognized actors in the process of its construction: the mass media information scientist or documentalist. Accepting the ...
The tradition and autonomy of the critical organizational studies in BrazilLa tradición y la autonomia de los estudios organizacionales críticos en BrasilA tradição e a autonomia dos estudos organizacionais críticos no Brasil
(RAE - Revista de Administracao de EmpresasRAE - Revista de Administração de EmpresasRAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas, 2010)
Read the world to write the future: An interview with professors E Wayne Ross and Xosé Manuel Souto, experts in critical social studies
E Wayne Ross is professor at the University of British Columbia (Canada). He is interested in the influence of social and institutional contexts on teachers’ practice as well as the role of curriculum and teaching in ...
Segurança internacional e normatividade: é o liberalismo o elo perdido dos critical securities studies?
(CEDEC, 2008)
O surgimento, e afirmação, de uma corrente de estudos críticos em segurança internacional plantou firmemente a idéia de que os problemas de segurança internacional não estão meramente relacionados com aspectos objetivos ...
Lifespan method as a tool to study criticality in absorbing-state phase transitions
(Physical Review E, 2018)
Literature and critical literacy pedagogy in the EFL classroom: Towards a model of teaching critical thinking skills
Drawing on the numerous benefits of integrating literature in the EFL classroom, the present paper argues that the analysis of a fictional work in the process of foreign language acquisition offers a unique opportunity for ...
Introduction to the special issue on “Critical international management and international critical management: Perspectives from Latin America”
Purpose – The purpose of the paper is to problematise the emerging interest on international management from a critical point of view, considering the potential contribution of Latin American perspectives and to introduce ...
Critical training of mass media documentalists
(Epi, 2015)