Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 187
On the relation between the astrophysical neutrino fluxes and the cosmic ray fluxes
(IOP Publishing, 2021-08)
Some generalizations of the relation between high-energy astrophysical neutrino and cosmic ray fluxes are obtained, taking into account present results on the cosmic ray spectrum and composition as well as a more realistic ...
An upper limit to the photon fraction in cosmic rays above 1019 eV from the Pierre Auger Observatory
An upper limit of 16% (at 95% c.l.) is derived for the photon fraction in cosmic rays with energies greater than 1019 eV, based on observations of the depth of shower maximum performed with the hybrid detector of the Pierre ...
Improving photon-hadron discrimination based on cosmic ray surface detector data
(Elsevier Science, 2013)
PeV neutrinos from the propagation of ultra-high energy cosmic rays
(IOP Publishing, 2013-01)
We discuss the possibility that the PeV neutrinos recently observed by IceCube are produced by the interactions of extragalactic cosmic rays during their propagation through the radiation backgrounds. We show that the ...