Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 8664
Advanced control for constrained processes and systems
(Institute of Engineering and Technology, 2011)
This book provides a unified, practically-oriented treatment to many constrained control paradigms. Recently proposed control strategies are unified in a generalised framework to deal with different kinds of constraints. ...
DAE Methods in Constrained Robotics System SimulationDAE Methods in Constrained Robotics System Simulation
(Computación y Sistemas, 2009)
DAE Methods in Constrained Robotics System Simulation
(Revista Computación y Sistemas; Vol. 1 No. 3, 1998-03-09)
Abstract. In this paper a DAE formulation is used to model
the behaviour of constrained robotic systems. This
formulation allows to specify in an easy and clear way
the constrained behaviour of a robotic system.
In ...
(Siam PublicationsPhiladelphia, 1994)
Evaluating bound-constrained minimization software
Bound-constrained minimization is a subject of active research. To assess the performance of existent solvers, numerical evaluations and comparisons are carried on. Arbitrary decisions that may have a crucial effect on the ...
Configurational temperature in constrained systems: The case of spin dynamics
(Institute of Physics Publishing, 2018)
© 2018 IOP Publishing Ltd. A general mathematical expression to estimate the temperature in computer simulations of constrained systems is obtained. Using a recently derived theorem which relates the ensemble average of ...
A geometric singular perturbation theory approach to constrained differential equations
This paper is concerned with a geometric study of (n−1)-parameter families of constrained differential systems, where n≥ 2. Our main results say that the dynamics of such a family close to the impasse set is equivalent ...
On the solution of bounded and unbounded mixed complementarity problems
(Taylor & Francis LtdAbingdonInglaterra, 2001)
Partial spectral projected gradient method with active-set strategy for linearly constrained optimization
(SPRINGER, 2010)
A method for linearly constrained optimization which modifies and generalizes recent box-constraint optimization algorithms is introduced. The new algorithm is based on a relaxed form of Spectral Projected Gradient iterations. ...
Bound constrained smooth optimization for solving variational inequalities and related problems
Variational inequalities and related problems may be solved via smooth bound constrained optimization. A comprehensive discussion of the important features involved with this strategy is presented. Complementarity problems ...