Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1205
Gender classification based on fusion of different spatial scale features selected by mutual information from histogram of lbp, intensity, and shape
In this paper, we report our extension of the use of feature selection based on mutual information and feature fusion to improve gender classification of face images. We compare the results of fusing three groups of features, ...
Knowledge sharing and the dynamics of social capital
(Elsevier Science Bv, 2011-12)
Mutual aid often entails the sharing of knowledge. We investigate how, in turn, knowledge sharing affects the long-run dynamics of mutual aid. In our economy, agents with specific knowledge are 'held up' by their principals. ...
Tending ants protect honeydew-producing whiteflies (Homoptera : Aleyrodidae)
(Entomol Soc AmerLanhamEUA, 2001)
Spatial variation in the strength of mutualism between a jumping spider and a terrestrial bromeliad: Evidence from the stable isotope N-15
(Gauthier-villars/editions Elsevier, 2008-05-01)
Psecas chapoda, a neotropical jumping spider strictly associated with the terrestrial bromeliad Bromelia balansae in cerrados and semi-deciduous forests in South America, effectively contributes to plant nutrition and ...
Spatial variation in the strength of mutualism between a jumping spider and a terrestrial bromeliad: Evidence from the stable isotope N-15
(Gauthier-villars/editions Elsevier, 2008-05-01)
Psecas chapoda, a neotropical jumping spider strictly associated with the terrestrial bromeliad Bromelia balansae in cerrados and semi-deciduous forests in South America, effectively contributes to plant nutrition and ...
Cramér-Rao bound for parameter estimation in sensor arrays with mutual coupling
(Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers, 2013-04)
The mutual coupling effect in a sensor array must be taken into account, since it degrades significantly the performance of the well-known signal direction finding algorithms. In this work, we derived the Cramér-Rao bound ...
Hosts and guests’ social representations of nudism: A mutual gaze approach
(Annals of Tourism Research, 2019)
Gender classification based on fusion of different spatial scale features selected by mutual information from histogram of lbp, intensity, and shape
In this paper, we report our extension of the use of feature selection based on mutual information and feature fusion to improve gender classification of face images. We compare the results of fusing three groups of features, ...
Gender Classification Based on Fusion of Different Spatial Scale Features Selected by Mutual Information From Histogram of LBP, Intensity, and Shape
(SPRINGER, 2013-06-12)
In this paper, we report our extension of the use of
feature selection based on mutual information and feature fusion
to improve gender classification of face images. We compare the
results of fusing three groups of ...