Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 954
Caracterización de diferentes compost para su uso como componente de sustratos
(Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de Concepción (Chile), 2019-07)
Actualmente el uso de sustrato se ha incrementado en varios sectores agrícolas. Entre los materiales empleados para su formulación se encuentran los compost, y como todo componente es importante conocer sus propiedades ...
Efectos de la aplicación de compost en el pasto janeiro (Eriochloa polystachya Kunth) en el Ecuador
(BABAHOYO: UTB, 2022, 2022)
Yield of different white button strains in sugar cane by product-based composts
The production of quality compost for Agaricus bisporus using alternative and local agricultural wastes beyond the search for productive strains are among the main factors related to improve yield. Thus, we evaluated the ...
Use of spent compost in the cultivation of Agaricus blazei
Two compost formulations, based on Braquiaria straw (Brachiaria sp.), a conventional one and a spent one, were tested in the cultivation of ABL 99/30 and ABL 04/49 strains of Agaricus blazei. The experimental design was ...
Evaluación de diferentes dosis de compost y lombricompuesto aplicado al suelo de vivero de palma aceitera (Elaeis guinensis) / Evaluation for incubation of different doses of compost and vermicompost in soils to Palm Nursery Montecarmelo S.A.
Debido que el cultivo de la palma aceitera, no se tienen puntos de referencia específicos de tipos y cantidades adecuadas de materia orgánica que podrían aplicarse a un determinado tipo de suelo para vivero, que permita ...
Effect of selected and non-selected urban waste compost on the initial growth of corn
Brazil produces approximately 242,000 t of waste per day, 76% of it being dumped outdoors and only 0.9% recycled, including composting, which is an alternative still little known in Brazil. In search of a better destination ...
Application of spent Agaricus subrufescens compost in integrated production of seedlings and plants of tomato
Purpose: Spent mushroom compost (SMC) is a major solid waste product of the mushroom industry and is the material which remains at the end of a mushroom crop. Methods: Different proportions of the SMC from Agaricus ...
Performance of grape marc and organic residues compost as substrate in lettuce (Lactuca sativa) seedlings = Eficiencia del compost de orujo de uva y residuos orgánicos como sustrato en plantines de lechuga (Lactuca sativa)
(Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, 2019-12)
Composting is an aerobic process used to treat organic residues, which results in a high quality product, able to be adopted as plant substrate or soil amendment. In the present study, the performance of compost on the ...
Composting as a strategy to recycle aquatic animal waste: Case study of a research centre in São Paulo State, Brazil
Aquaculture is a fast-growing activity in Brazil and around the world, which generates large amounts of waste from fingerling production to the final consumer. Among several possibilities for the management of these wastes, ...