Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 10311
Methodology for a comparative quantitative analysis of film colour: a comparison between Cannes and box-office results
This paper proposes a method for quantitative colour analysis aimed at determining colour variation between different sets of films with a common selection criterion. The process is exemplified by comparing films selected ...
Spot-test identification and rapid quantitative sequential analys is of dipyrone
A qualitative spot-test and tandem quantitative analysis of dipyrone in the bulk drug and in pharmaceutical preparations is proposed. The formation of a reddish-violet color indicates a positive result. In sequence a ...
Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship of Organosulphur Compounds as Soybean 15-Lipoxygenase Inhibitors Using CoMFA and CoMSIA
Three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship studies were carried out on a series of 28 organosulphur compounds as 15-lipoxygenase inhibitors using comparative molecular field analysis and comparative ...
The Rietveld method applied to quantitative phase analysis of minerals containing disordered structures
(Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), 2003)
A simple device for quantitative colorimetric diffuse reflectance measurements
(Elsevier Science SaLausanneSuíça, 2003)
Análise proposicional quantitativa aplicada à pesquisa em administração
The analysis of interviews with open-ended questions is a common practice amongst researchers in the field of Management. The difficulty therein is to convert the linguistic data into categories or quantitative values for ...