Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 7332
Comparative mobilities in an unequal world: researching intersections of gender and generation
(Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2016-10-31)
Mobilities are shaped by social inequalities and spatial unevenness as demonstrated in a range of existing studies across disciplines. These inequalities are manifest at different scales, from the very local spaces of ...
Mobile Research Methods : Opportunities and challenges of mobile research methodologies
Daily activity sees data constantly flowing through cameras, the internet, satellites, radio frequencies, sensors, private appliances, cars, smartphones, tablets and the like. Among all the tools currently used, mobile ...
Supporting rich interaction in the classroom with mobile devices
(IEEE, 2008)
Mobile computing devices facilitate mobility and
face-to-face interaction when compared with desktop
computing, but lacks of the computing power of the
latter. Therefore, a key aspect to ensure success of a
learning ...
Intergenerational Educational Mobility of PhDs and the “Plafond” Effects: A French-Argentine Comparative Study
(Center for Promoting Ideas, 2017-08)
We analyze educational mobility at the third generation for a population of PhDs in the humanities and social sciences and, particularly, in Education at both an Argentine university and a French provincial university. Our ...
An Experimental Study of the Use of Design Thinking as a Requirements Elicitation Approach for Mobile Learning Environments
(Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios en Informática, 2015)
Greater functional similarity in mobile compared to sessile assemblages colonizing artificial coastal habitats
(Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2022)
Intergenerational Income Mobility in a Less-Developed, High-Inequality Context: The Case of Chile
(De Gruyter, 2010)
This paper studies the magnitude of intergenerational income mobility in less developed, high
inequality Chile. Following a known methodology where fathers’ incomes are predicted from
standard income determinants such ...
Intergenerational Educational Mobility and Identity: a French-Argentine Comparative Study
(European Center for Science Education and Research, 2017-06)
This study forms part of the author’s longstanding research regarding social, educational and professional mobility observed in Argentina across three generations, associated with the factor of Education and with the greater ...
Intergenerational income and educational mobility in urban Chile
(Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 2011)