Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 13312
Mexican Agricultural Program
(Tranofilm, 2016)
Agricultural Innovation Program (AIP) for Pakistan
(CIMMYT, 2020)
Trends in world agriculture trade
The document addresses the trends of agriculture for 2019, focuses on the evolution of world trade in agriculture from 2000 to the present, also focuses on trends in agricultural policy and WTO in different negotiations, ...
Graduación Escuela de Líderes Agrícolas
Ceremonia de graduación de la Escuela de Líderes Agrícolas.
Temas a tratar: alcance de la educación, innovación, oportunidades de crecimiento.
Conservation Agriculture in Chiapas
(CIMMYT, 2016)
Commercializing smallholder mechanization, the role of public and private sectors
Agricultural solutions in Africa: a slideshow
(CIMMYT, 2016)
Report on the first meeting of the alliance for sustainable develoment of agriculture and the rural milieu
(Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), 2000)
The concept of the Allience, should, therefore, be guided by an appreciation of the following key words and terms, agriculture, rural miliew, sustainable development and alliance, are central to the sucessful conceptualisation ...
Issues for Upcoming Multilateral Negotiations on Agriculture and Recommendations for CARICOM Preparatory Work
The subject of this document is trade agreements, changes in the trade policy environment are reinforced by national economic policy reforms, spurred by the need to obtain loans from international institutions, adding to ...
Programa Agrícola Mexicano
(Tranofilm, 2016)