Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 191
Sensing climate change in an ephemeral coastal pond: implications to the conservation of biodiversity in a subtropical dry forest
(External Scientific Advisory Committe (ESAC), 2012)
First record of Phyllorhiza sp. (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa) in a Chinese coastal aquaculture pond
(PeerJ Inc., 2019-01)
Background. It has been suggested that aquaculture ponds on the Chinese coast could act as breeding grounds for scyphozoans. Here, we present the first record of the scyphomedusa Phyllorhiza sp. in an aquaculture pond on ...
Morphological characterization of ponds and tidal courses in coastal wetlands using Google Earth imagery
(Academic Press Ltd - Elsevier Science Ltd, 2020-09-29)
Ponds and tidal courses are significant landforms that frequently arise in marshes and tidal flats environments. An understanding of their development and permanence is relevant to determine future dynamic processes that ...
Impact of shrimp ponds on mangrove blue carbon stocks in Ecuador
Mangrove forests play an important role in mitigating climate change but are threatened by aquaculture expansion. The inclusion of mangroves in climate change mitigation strategies requires measuring of carbon stocks and ...
Sedimentation rates of nutrients and particulate material in pond mariculture of shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) carried out with different management strategies
Marine shrimp farming is an important economic activity in tropical and subtropical regions, but its expansion has contributed to the increase of nutrients and organic matter in coastal ecosystems. Thus, this work evaluated ...
The planktonic community in tropical interdunal ponds (Lencois Maranhenses National Park, Maranhao State, Brazil).
The aim of this study was to characterize the LenYois Maranhenses ponds (Maranhao State, Brazil) with respect to morphometry and physical and chemical aspects of the water body, in particular, the planktonic community. ...
The planktonic community in tropical interdunal ponds (Lencois Maranhenses National Park, Maranhao State, Brazil).
The aim of this study was to characterize the LenYois Maranhenses ponds (Maranhao State, Brazil) with respect to morphometry and physical and chemical aspects of the water body, in particular, the planktonic community. ...
Nitrospina bacteria in a rocky intertidal habitat (Quintay Bay, central Chile)
Nitrospina bacteria are among the most important nitrite oxidizers in coastal and open-ocean environments, but the relevance of the genus contrasts with the scarceness of information on their ecophysiology and habitat ...
Characterization and degradation process of sludge profiles inside a facultative pond (Patagonia, Argentina)
(IWA Publishing, 2011-11)
To investigate the characteristics and degradation process in sludge profile, three sampling sessions were made in three different places inside the primary facultative pond of Puerto Madryn city, which was located in a ...