Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 165
Mineralogical characterization of a highly-weathered soil by the Rietveld Method
(São Paulo - Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", 2010)
The mineralogical characterization through mineral quantification of Brazilian soils by X-ray diffraction data using the Rietveld Method is not common. A mineralogical quantification of an Acric Ferralsol from the Ponta ...
Rainfall control on Amazon sediment flux: synthesis from 20 years of monitoring
(IOP Publishing, 2020-05-14)
The biodiversity and productivity of the Amazon floodplain depend on nutrients and organic matter transported with suspended sediments. Nevertheless, there are still fundamental unknowns about how hydrological and rainfall ...
Incremento da exatidão da análise granulométrica do solo por meio da coleta da suspensão (Silte + Argila)
(Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 2017)
A Qualitative Mineral Analysis of the Coarse Fraction of an Alonso SoilTítulo en español.
(University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Campus Agricultural Experiment Station, 1970)
Potássio e magnésio em minerais das frações areia e silte de diferentes solos
(Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 2017)