Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 58434
High nuclearity iridium clusters derived from the transformation of [Ir-4(CO)(11)(PPh2Cl)] on silica gel and the thermolysis of [HIr4(CO)(10)(mu-PPh2)]; synthesis and characterization of [Ir-6(mu-CO)(CO)(12)(mu-PPh2)(2)], [Ir-7(mu-CO)(CO)(13)(mu-PPh2)(mu(3)-PPhC6H4)] and [Ir-8(mu-CO)(2) (CO)(14)(eta(1)-Ph)(mu-PPh2)(mu(4)-PPh)]
(Pergamon-elsevier Science LtdOxfordInglaterra, 1998)
Derivation of vertical equilibrium models for CO2 migration from pore scale equations
Equations describing flow in porous media averaged to allow for lateral spatial variability but integrated over the vertical dimension are derived from pore scale equations. Under conditions of vertical equilibrium, the ...
Introductory aspects on financial derivatives market: ISDA master agreement dealing with legal risk?
(Departamento de Derecho Comercial, 2012-06-10)
This article being the first of a serie of articles, treats the very general aspects of Financial Derivatives Market. Explains the division in Stock Excahnge and OTC Market. It is focused on the study of the main issues ...
Derived invariance of Hochschild–Mitchell (co)homology and one-point extensions
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2007-09)
In this article we prove derived invariance of Hochschild-Mitchell homology and cohomology and we extend to k-linear categories a result by Barot and Lenzing concerning derived equivalences and one-point extensions. We ...