Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 18493
Guía para audio/video-grabación de material clínico para uso en investigación
(Universidad de Belgrano. Área de Psicología Clínica, 2005)
El registro audio/video grabado de material clínico para su utilización en investigaciones es una forma de obtención de datos sumamente eficaz, debido fundamentalmente a la fidelidad de la información que permite obtener.
A randomized clinical trial of class II composite restorations using direct and semidirect techniques
Objective: This prospective study evaluated the clinical performance of large class II restorations made with different techniques over 24 months. Materials and methods: Thirty patients received two class II restorations ...
Clinical performance of indirect esthetic inlays and onlays for posterior teeth after 40 months
Aim: Searches for biocompatible restorative materials with better clinical properties, longevity and esthetics have resulted in the development of several ceramic types. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance ...
Clinical/photographic evaluation of a single application of two sealants after eleven years
The clinical behavior of Concise and Prisma Shield sealants for pit and fissure was analyzed by clinical/photographic evaluation. A hematoxylin-based staining solution was applied to the occlusal surface 7 days, 18 months, ...
Teaching of clinical reasoning to medical students using prototypical clinical cases Aprendizaje del razonamiento clínico por reconocimiento de patrón, en seminarios de casos clínicos prototipos, por estudiantes de tercer año de medicina
Background: Clinical reasoning is the most important competence in the training process of a physician. Aim: To develop a method for teaching clinical reasoning based on prototypes of clinical cases. Material and Methods: ...
Development of a clinical scale to assess the severity of striae distensae
Background and Objective: There is no validated instrument to assess the clinical severity of striae distensae. Here, we aimed to develop a striae distensae severity scale. Material and Methods: After a Delphi-based ...
Unconscious fantasy (or phantasy) as clinical concept
(Wiley, 2017)
A clinical phenomenology of the concept unconscious fantasy' attempts to describe it from a bottom-up' perspective, that is, from the immediate experience of the analyst working in session. Articles of psychoanalytic authors ...
Can research influence clinical practice?
(Institute of Psychoanalysis, 2007-06)
After briefl y reviewing the unfavourable reception accorded empirical research by
parts of the psychoanalytic community, as well as some of the benefi ts to clinical
practice of analysts being involved in research ...
Rate of use of the clinic dental materials of dentistry faculty of the University of Cuenca
To determine the rate of use of the dental materials in the areas of dental surgery, prosthodontics, periodontics,surgery, pediatric dentistry and orthodontics of Dentistry Faculty of the University of Cuenca, Ecuador.