Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 29
Dark energy parametrizations and their effect on dark halos
(Iop Publishing Ltd, 2014)
Dark energy parametrizations and their effect on dark halos
(Iop Publishing Ltd, 2006-07-01)
There are a plethora of dark energy parametrizations that can fit current supernovae Ia data. However, these data are only sensitive to redshifts up to order one. In fact, many of these parametrizations break down at higher ...
Dark energy parametrizations and their effect on dark halos
(Iop Publishing Ltd, 2006-07-01)
There are a plethora of dark energy parametrizations that can fit current supernovae Ia data. However, these data are only sensitive to redshifts up to order one. In fact, many of these parametrizations break down at higher ...
Possible cosmological implications in electrodynamics due to variations of the fine structure constant
(Revista Mexicana de Física, 2009)
Nonlocal teleparallel cosmology
Even though it is not possible to differentiate general relativity from teleparallel gravity using classical experiments, it could be possible to discriminate between them by quantum gravitational effects. These effects ...
Cosmological analysis of optical galaxy clusters
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2017-12-11)
Os aglomerados de galáxias são os maiores objetos ligados que observamos no universo. Dado que as galáxias são consideradas traçadores de matéria escura, os aglomerados de galáxias nos permitem estudar a formação e a ...
Testing general relativity with present and future astrophysical observations
One century after its formulation, Einstein's general relativity (GR) has made remarkable predictions and turned out to be compatible with all experimental tests. Most of these tests probe the theory in the weak-field ...
Clumpy disc and bulge formation
(Wiley-blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2013-11)
We present a set of hydrodynamical/N-body controlled simulations of
isolated gas-rich galaxies that self-consistently include supernova (SN)
feedback and a detailed chemical evolution model, both tested in
cosmological ...