Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1901
Two hundred hectares of good business: Brazilian agriculture in a themed space
(Brasil, 2012)
Geographers have recognized that trade fairs and other temporary spaces function as centers of knowledge, but we have a weak understanding of how fairs are themed spaces, similar to parades, festivals, and built environments, ...
Liver histological alterations in patients with chronic hepatitis C and normal ALT levels in the city of Salvador, Northeast-Brazil
(Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2005)
Considerações acerca do imaginário, das representações sobre o mal é de şua evolução da antiguidade clássica romana à antiguidade tardia
Through an evolutionary analysis of representations of Evil, in Christian point of view, from Classical Roman Antiquity to Late Antiquity, this article aims to present, inserted in this scope, a dialogue between the main ...
Os posicionamentos do Arcebispo de Cuiabá, D. Francisco de Aquino Corrêa, e a defesa do patriotismo cristão
The article analyzes the stands of D. Francisco de Aquino Corrêa, as archbishop of Cuiabá, about Brazil, especially the defense of christian patriotism. As one of the spokesmen of the brazilian church's hierarchy and ...
As ações anticristãs segundo as Apologias de Justino Mártir : controle social e religião no Império Romano
(Universidade Estadual de MaringáBrasilPrograma de Pós-Graduação em HistóriaUEMMaringá, PRCentro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, 2018)