Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1308
Technical note—An expectation-maximization method to estimate a rank-based choice model of demand
(Informs, 2017-02)
We propose an expectation-maximization (EM) method to estimate customer preferences for a category of products using only sales transaction and product availability data. The demand model combines a general, rank-based ...
Demand Estimation under Uncertain Consideration Sets
(Operations Research (ISSN: 0030-364X), 2023-09)
To estimate customer demand, choice models rely both on what the individuals do and do not purchase. A customer may not purchase a product because it was not offered but also because it was not considered. To account for ...
Facility location for market capture when users rank facilities by shorter travel and waiting times
(ELSEVIER, 2008)
A firm wants to locate several multi-server facilities in a region where there is already a competitor operating. We propose a model for locating these facilities in such a way as to maximize market capture by the entering ...
The Chilean “Voucher”. Reflections on school choice and educational fundingEl “Voucher” a la chilena. Reflexiones sobre elección escolar y financiamiento educacional
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades., 2019)
Compact development and preferences for social mixing in location choices: results from revealed preferences in Santiago, Chile
Even though densification and social mixing are declared objectives of many nowadays urban planning paradigms, their simultaneous implementation is usually questioned by different actors and is not frequent in practice. ...
Combined models with hierarchical demand choices: A multi-objective entropy optimization approach
This article proposes a multi-objective optimization approach to the formulation of a number of equilibrium problems that typically arise in the transportation planning process. These fall into two classes: combined demand ...
Latent Segmentation of Urban Space through Residential Location Choice
Understanding the preferences of households in their location decisions is key for residential demand forecast and urban policy making. Accounting for preference heterogeneity across agents is useful for the modelling ...
Aplicação do modelo discreto-contínuo para o caso da escolha do sistema de aquecimento de água domiciliar e o efeito sobre o consumo de energia elétrica
O objetivo deste trabalho passa por entender o impacto dos fatores não observáveis na escolha do sistema de aquecimento de água na intensidade do consumo de eletricidade domiciliar. Para isto será aplicado um modelo ...
Preferences for vehicle ownership and mode choice for commuting trips in Córdoba City
(World Conference on Transport Research Society, 2013-07)
This study presents a nested logit model integrating mode choice decisions for commuting trips, private vehicle ownership and the preferences for car and motorcycle buying as a response to changes in transport modes level ...