Now showing items 1-10 of 123
Temporal relationship between uniplant insertion and changes in cervical mucus
This study was undertaken to determine the time required by a single implant containing nomegestrol acetate to affect cervical mucus production and sperm penetration in women. All subjects were investigated and, if necessary, ...
Timing of onset of contraceptive effectiveness in Depo-Provera users: Part I. Changes in cervical mucus
(Amer Soc Reproductive MedicineBirminghamEUA, 1998)
Evaluation of cervical mucus and reproductive efficiency of seasonally anovular dairy goats after short-term progestagen-based estrous induction protocols with different gonadotropins
(Inst Animal Reproduction Food Research, 2017-12-01)
The use of three different gonadotropins was tested for estrous induction in dairy goats during the non-breeding season. All does received an injection of 30 mu g of d-cloprostenol and intravaginal sponges containing 60 ...
Differences in sperm migration through cervical mucus in vitro relates to sperm colonization ofthe oviduct and fertilizing ability in goats
Sperm migration in estrous cervical mucus can be used to measure the ability of spermatozoa to migrate through the genital tract, The relationship of this test with the sperm colonization of the isthmus, and its impact on ...
Cristalización del moco cervical bovino en el estro: una actualización
(Universidad de La Salle. Ediciones Unisalle, 10 d)
In vitro action of progestogens on sperm migration in human cervical mucus
(Elsevier, 1975)
The presence of progestogens in the cervical mucus suppresses and arrests sperm penetration. Using the Kremer technique, the effects of in vitro released progesterone, d norgestrel, and cyproterone acetate were studied by ...
Efeito da inser????o de implante anticoncepcional contendo acetato de nomegestrol sobre a fun????o ovariana, muco cervical e penetra????o esperm??tica
(Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetr??cia, 2004)
Physical Properties and Ionic Concentration of the Bovine Cervical Mucus at the Moment of Inseminating: Spontaneous Estrous and Induced Estrous
(Omics Publishing Group, 2018-05)
Objective of the investigation was to characterize biochemically the cervical mucus collected prior to the artificialinsemination of Holstein heifers comparing spontaneous oestrus with induced oestrus. The concentration ...