Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 17603
Communication complexity and intrinsic universality in cellular automata
(Elsevier, 2011)
The notions of universality and completeness are central in the theories of computation
and computational complexity. However, proving lower bounds and necessary conditions
remains hard in most cases. In this article, ...
Modelling and simulation of complex cellular models using Cell-DEVS
(SAGE Publications, 2016-02)
Cellular automata are discrete dynamical systems that provide a mathematical framework for modelling, studying and predicting the behaviour and response of systems across many different disciplines and domains, ranging ...
Alternation on cellular automata
(ELSEVIER, 1997-06-10)
In this paper we consider several notions of alternation in cellular automata: non-uniform,
uniform and weak alternation. We study relations among these notions and with alternating
Turing machines. It is proved that the ...
Influence of the irradiation dose in the cellular structure of natural rubber foams cross-linked by electron beam irradiation
This work focused on the production of natural rubber foams by cross-linking the polymer matrix using high energy electron beam at different irradiation doses (from 50 to 150 kGy) and foaming it with a chemical blowing ...
Scanning and transmission electron microscopy of transformed Vero cells, with altered in vitro growth characteristics
(Editrice Compositori BolognaBolognaItália, 1996)
Service Quality and Customers preference of Cellular Mobile Service Providers
(Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2011)
Cellular automaton model for molecular traffic jams
We consider the time evolution of an exactly solvable cellular automaton with random initial conditions both in the large-scale hydrodynamic limit and on the microscopic level. This model is a version of the totally ...
Humoral and cell-mediated immunity in large non-toxic multinodular goitre
Humoral and cell-mediated immunity was investigated in fourteen patients with non-toxic multinodular goitre and ten healthy controls by in vitro methods. These included determination of sheep erythrocyte and complement ...