Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 435
Comparative analysis of baseflow characteristics of two Andean catchments, Ecuador
Baseflow in the Andes is commonly considered to be related with the release of water stored in páramos. Páramo is the predominant ecosystem above 3500m a.s.l. and is characterized by a rainy and cold climate with low ...
Multicriteria assessment of water dynamics reveals subcatchment variability in a seemingly homogeneous tropical cloud forest catchment
To improve the current knowledge of the rainfall–runoff phenomena of tropical montane catchments, we explored the usefulness of several hydrological indicators on a nested cloud forest catchment (76.9 km2). The used metrics ...
Comparative analysis of baseflow characteristics of two Andean catchments, Ecuador
A radar reflectivity-runoff model for use in flood warning
This model connects directly the radar reflectivity data and hydrological variable runoff. The catchment is discretized in pixels (4 Km × 4 Km) with the same resolution of the CAPPI. Careful discretization is made so that ...
A radar reflectivity-runoff model for use in flood warning
This model connects directly the radar reflectivity data and hydrological variable runoff. The catchment is discretized in pixels (4 Km × 4 Km) with the same resolution of the CAPPI. Careful discretization is made so that ...
Eco-hydrological Functions in Forested Catchments of Southern Chile
(Springer New York, 2020-03)
Ecosystem functions in forests can vary significantly after disturbance, depending on changes in vegetation structure during succession and soil biophysical characteristics. We examined streamflow regulation, water storage ...
Water provisioning services in a seasonally dry subtropical mountain: Identifying priority landscapes for conservation
(Elsevier Science, 2015-06)
The influence of landscape characteristics on dry season baseflow in mountain areas with a long dry season depends on a complex array of factors which need to be identified in order to prioritize landscapes for conservation ...
Performance of Two Hydrological Models in Predicting Daily Flow under a Climate Change Scenario for Mountainous Catchments in Northwestern Costa Rica
(International Mountain Society, 2015)
(Figure Presented) Tropical mountain regions contain the main headwaters of important rivers in Central America. We selected 2 contrasting catchments located in a mountainous region to evaluate the precision of daily flow ...