Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 27
Identificación y caracterización de calamina para la determinación de potenciales aplicaciones.
(Ingeniería Mecánica, 2021)
La calamina es un subproducto del proceso de transformación del acero, cuya composición
depende de variables de proceso tales como: elementos de aleación, tratamientos térmicos,
temperatura de proceso, así como la presencia ...
Fabricación y caracterización de ladrillos Eco -amigables con adición de un residuo industrial de hierro
(Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio GaravitoIngeniería Industrial, 2020)
Se investigó el efecto de la adición del desecho de óxido de hierro llamado calamina, compuesta de FeO (wustita), Fe2O3 (hematita) y Fe3O4 (magnetita),sobre las propiedades físicas, mecánicas y microestructurales de ladrillos ...
Inorganic UV filters
Inorganic UV filters
Nowadays, concern over skin cancer has been growing more and more, especially in tropical countries where the incidence of UVA/B radiation is higher. The correct use of sunscreen is the most efficient way to prevent the ...
Inorganic UV filters
Nowadays, concern over skin cancer has been growing more and more, especially in tropical countries where the incidence of UVA/B radiation is higher. The correct use of sunscreen is the most efficient way to prevent the ...
Estudo da dispersão e concentração de minério calamínico
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2004-01-29)
Brazil holds one of the few world reserves of calamine ore. The technological development for processing this ore occurred after the second world war and until the seventies Italy and France lead the investigations on this ...
Estudo da flotação de minério silicatado de zinco sem a etapa de deslamagem
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2007-06-28)
The world measured reserves of zinc reached, in 2005, 462 x 106 t of the metal, the Brazilian reserves representing 1.2% of the world reserves. Approximately 82.9% of the Brazilian reserves are located in Vazante and ...
An innovative magnetic oxide dispersion-strengthened iron compound obtained from an industrial byproduct, with a view to circular economy
(ElsevierEstados Unidos, 2020)
Since the policy of Sustainable Production and Consumption has laid the basis for the world to begin its transition towards a circular economy, engineering has a moral responsibility to recycle industrial byproducts. This ...
Uso de materiales en la construcción de viviendas rurales en el caserío Salvador – río Napo – distrito Mazan – región Loreto
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía PeruanaPE, 2017)
La investigación se realizó con el objetivo de identificar los materiales de la zona que se usan en la construcción rural de sus viviendas en el caserío San Salvador, río Napo, distrito de Mazan. La investigación fue ...
Observational Study of the Relationship Between the Level of Lead and Hemoglobin in Women from Mining Centers in Huancavelica - Peru at More Than 3900 Mas L May, 2022
(Seventh Sense, 2023)
The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between the level of lead in blood and the level of hemoglobin in women of childbearing age who live under the influence of mining centers in the Huancavelica ...