Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1847
E-bridge 3.0: A strategic approach to structural health monitoring of bridges in Costa Rica
(IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2016)
The general condition of road infrastructure is a major weakness of the
Costa Rican economy. In particular, a significant percentage of national bridges show
an average or critical condition regarding parts of their ...
New technique for self-centering shear keys in highway bridges
Shear keys are elements in bridges designed to prevent or limit transverse unseating, rotation, and/or collapse of the superstructure responding to strong-intensity earthquake input ground motion, as well as to absorb ...
Modeling technique for honeycomb FRP deck bridges via finite elements
Honeycomb structures have been used in different engineering fields. In civil engineering, honeycomb fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) structures have been used as bridge decks to rehabilitate highway bridges in the United ...
Guadua bamboo In pedestrian bridges
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2016)
Inventario, evaluación y priorización de intervención de 10 puentes del distrito de Tucurrique
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2020)
Costa Rica presenta problemas estructurales y no estructurales en muchos de sus puentes, lo cual se ha demostrado en el informe del proyecto e-Bridge en el 2019. En este se evidencia que, de las 1670 estructuras de rutas ...
Study of timber and concrete with rubber waste composite beams applied to bridges
In order to overcome the hydrographic network, the landforms, and the most different types of barriers, many timber bridges were constructed around the world, especially in secondary roads where the raw materials (wood) ...
Framework for structural health monitoring of steel bridges by computer vision
The monitoring of a structural condition of steel bridges is an important issue. Good condition of infrastructure facilities ensures the safety and economic well-being of society. At the same time, due to the continuous ...
Verificação à fadiga de vigas de pontes de concreto armado: estudo comparativo entre o uso do trem-tipo normativo e as cargas reais nas rodovias brasileiras
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil - PPGECivCâmpus São Carlos, 2019-12-11)
Bridges and viaducts are important in the social and economic dynamics of a nation, and they are very important elements in transportation systems. In Brazil, freight transportation is predominantly by road. Therefore, ...