Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1708
Diet of post-breeding Antarctic Shags Phalacrocorax bransfieldensis at Cockburn Island, Antarctic Peninsula
(Pacific Seabird Group, 2017-04)
The diet of post-breeding Antarctic shags (Phalacrocorax bransfieldensis) was investigated at Cockburn Island, in the Antarctic Peninsula, through the analysis of pellets collected in February 2015. Demersal-benthic fish ...
Diet of the Brown Skua (Stercorarius antarcticus lonnbergi) at Hope Bay, Antarctic Peninsula: differences between breeders and non-breeders
(Springer, 2019-02)
Top predators exhibit a critical role in ecosystem functioning and in the stability of the food web, so research on diet is relevant to understand their foraging behavior. Seasonal variation in diet and prey selection may ...
Variation in diet composition during the breeding cycle of an Antarctic seabird in relation to its breeding chronology and that of its main food resource
(Springer, 2014-11)
This work had two aims related to the diet of brown skuas (Stercorarius antarcticus lonnbergi) breeding at Laurie Island (South Orkney Islands, Antarctic). The first aim was to explore whether there are changes throughout ...
Relative contribution of breed, gender, and diet to the fatty acid profile of young crossbred beef cattle finished on feedlot
Fatty acid profile of crossbred beef cattle fed either a diet with corn gluten and protected fat (A) or a control diet (B) was evaluated. Animal’s gender and diet had greater influence on fatty acid profile than genotype. ...
Breeding season diet of Scarlet Ibises and Little Blue Herons in a Brazilian mangrove swamp
(Waterbird Soc, 2001-01-01)
We studied the diet composition and overlap of Scarlet Ibises (Eudocimus ruber) and Little Blue Herons (Egretta caerulea in a mangrove swamp in southeast Brazil during the 1996-1997 breeding season, which occurs during the ...
Effect of cattle breed and basal diet on digestibility, rumen bacterial communities, and eating and rumination activity
The objectives of this study were to compare ruminal total tract digestibility, bacterial communities, and eating and rumination activity between Holstein and Angus steers fed grain- or forage-based diets. Six Holstein ...
Skuas (Stercorarius spp.) moult body feathers during both the breeding and inter-breeding periods: implications for stable isotope investigations in seabirds
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2017-04)
Seabirds are mostly thought to moult during the inter-breeding period and the isotopic values of their feathers are often therefore assumed to relate to their assimilated diet during such periods. We observed Brown Skuas ...
Food habits of the Crested Caracara (Caracara plancus) in the Andean Patagonia: the role of breeding constraints
(Academic Press Ltd - Elsevier Science Ltd, 2001-04)
Crested caracara (Caracara plancus) in Patagonia have a generalist diet, feeding mainly on mammalian carrion and arthropods. Vertebrate prey (mammals, birds and reptiles) are primarily captured to feed nestlings and ...