Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 8247
Biochemical andMolecular Analysis of Some Commercial Samples of Chilli Peppers fromMexico
The genus Capsicum provides antioxidant compounds, such as phenolics and carotenoids, into the diet. In Mexico, there is a wide
diversity of species and varieties of chilli peppers, a fruit which has local cultural and ...
Blood biochemical indicators in young and adult Cebus apella of both sexes
Background: A frequent drawback in physiology of non-human primates is that normal values for a variety of indicators (haematological, biochemical and others) are scant. Methods: We report here the blood values in a series ...
Blood biochemical indicators in young and adult Cebus apella of both sexes
Background A frequent drawback in physiology of non-human primates is that normal values for a variety of indicators (haematological, biochemical and others) are scant.
Comparison of the biochemical composition of equine amniotic fluid collected in different gestational phases and at delivery
(Revista Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira, 2014-06-01)
The viability and fetal maturity can be estimated by biochemical evaluation of the fetal fluids of several species; however the biochemical composition of amniotic fluid during pregnancy is not fully defined for equine. ...
Advances in Biochemical Indices of Zooplankton Production
(Elsevier Academic Press Inc, 2017)
Several new approaches for measuring zooplankton growth and production rates have been developed since the publication of the ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea) Zooplankton Methodology Manual (Harris ...
Incidence, risk factors, and prognosis of abnormal liver biochemical tests in COVID-19 patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Background and aims: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is ongoing. Except for lung injury, it is possible that COVID-19 patients develop liver injury. Thus, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to ...
More massive but potentially less healthy: Black vultures feeding in rubbish dumps differed in clinical and biochemical parameters with wild feeding birds
(PeerJ Inc., 2018-04)
Background: Organic waste is one of the most important anthropogenic food subsidies used by different species. However, there is little information about the health impact that rubbish dumps produce on species foraging in ...