Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 17
Survey of Bancroftian filariasis infection in humans and Culex mosquitoes in the western Brazilian Amazon region: implications for transmission and control
(Sociedade Brasileira De Medicina TropicalRio de Janeiro, 2013-03)
Introduction: The aim of this work was to identify possible lymphatic filariasis foci in the western Brazilian Amazonian that could be established from the reports of Rachou in the 1950s. The study was conducted in three ...
The histopathology of bancroftian filariasis revisited: the role of the adult worm in the lymphatic-vessel disease
(Maney Publishing, 2002-09-01)
Although morphology is generally limited to static images, the histopathological features of bancroftian lymphatic disease are presented here in a way that is as dynamic as possible and closely associated with the clinical, ...
Field evaluation of the whole blood immunochromatographic test for rapid bancroftian filariasis diagnosis in the northeast of Brazil
Este estudo avaliou o teste imunocromatográfico ("ICT card test") em inquérito de filariose realizado no município de Olinda, Brasil. 625 pessoas foram examinadas pela técnica da gota espessa (GE), e "ICT card test" (ICT). ...
Pathogenesis of filarial hydrocele: risk associated with intrascrotal nodules caused by death of adult Wuchereria bancrofti
(Royal Soc Tropical Medicine, 2003-09-01)
Although testicular hydrocele is the most common clinical manifestation of bancroftian filariasis, its pathogenesis is poorly understood, as is its relationship to inflammatory scrotal nodules following death of adult ...
A mechanism for chronic filarial hydrocele with implications for its surgical repair
(John Owusu Gyapong, Ghana Health Service, Ghana, 2018)