Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 360
Effects of Ascent to High Altitude on Human Antimycobacterial Immunity
(Public Library of Science, 2013)
Tuberculosis infection, disease and mortality are all less common at high than low altitude and ascent to high altitude was historically recommended for treatment. The immunological and mycobacterial mechanisms underlying ...
A bacteriological study of hospital beds before and after disinfection with phenolic disinfectant
In hospitals, one of the ways to control microbial contamination is by disinfecting the furniture used by patients. This study's main objective was to evaluate the microbiological condition of hospital mattresses before ...
A bacteriological study of hospital beds before and after disinfection with phenolic disinfectant
In hospitals, one of the ways to control microbial contamination is by disinfecting the furniture used by patients. This study's main objective was to evaluate the microbiological condition of hospital mattresses before ...
Biologic responses of bacteria communities living at the mucus secretion of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) after exposure to the carbon nanomaterial fullerene (C 60)
(Springer, 2011)
Bacteria communities living in mucus secretions of common carp Cyprinus carpio (Cyprinidae) were exposed to the organic nanomaterial fullerene (C60) to evaluate its potential bactericidal effects. End points analyzed were ...
Household Contamination of Baby Bottles and Opportunities to Improve Bottle Hygiene in Peri-Urban Lima, Peru
(American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2019)
Feeding of infant formula using contaminated bottles may be an important transmission pathway of enteric pathogens during early life. Determinants of suboptimal bottle hygiene and the feasibility and acceptability of ...