Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 94
Da ausência do olhar do outro à ausência do limite corporal: sobre a fragmentação corpórea no autismo
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2016-02-25)
This paper aims to discuss, based on Lacanian psychoanalytic literature matrix, the absence of the gaze of the Other as one of the factors that hinder the construction of a unified body image in autistic. The look has a ...
Da ausência do olhar do outro à ausência do limite corporal: sobre a fragmentação corpórea no autismo
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2016-02-25)
This paper aims to discuss, based on Lacanian psychoanalytic literature matrix, the absence of the gaze of the Other as one of the factors that hinder the construction of a unified body image in autistic. The look has a ...
De onde os pais olham seu bebê? : um estudo acerca do olhar dos pais diante de um caso situado entre o autismo e a adoção
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2014-05-23)
During the first months of life, a baby shows an intense interest in looking and being looked at, but when it does not happen and the mother does not realize this fact, we can consider it as a sign of risk of autism (Laznik, ...
De onde os pais olham seu bebê? : um estudo acerca do olhar dos pais diante de um caso situado entre o autismo e a adoção
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2014-05-23)
During the first months of life, a baby shows an intense interest in looking and being looked at, but when it does not happen and the mother does not realize this fact, we can consider it as a sign of risk of autism (Laznik, ...
O uso do brincar na clínica com ciranças autistas
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2015-09-22)
This work is the product of some reflections originated during a period of work in some CAPS in the city of Campina Grande / PB, in which calls were made in group and individual with autistic children. From this experience, ...
O uso do brincar na clínica com ciranças autistas
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2015-09-22)
This work is the product of some reflections originated during a period of work in some CAPS in the city of Campina Grande / PB, in which calls were made in group and individual with autistic children. From this experience, ...
Immune allergic response in asperger syndrome
(Elsevier, 2013)
Centro de desenvolvimento e ensino para crianças autistas para o município de Londrina - PR
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilCurso de Arquitetura e UrbanismoUTFPR, 2018-12-12)
The present work seeks to aid the understanding on how the environment designed to influence the development and treatment of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, as well as the perception and relation of the space built ...
Correlación entre cognición social y lenguaje en el trastorno del espectro autistaCorrelation between social cognition and language in autism spectrum disorder
(Corporación Universitaria del Caribe - CECARSincelejo, 2022)