Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 992
Single electron ionization of multishell atoms: dynamic screening and post-prior discrepancies in the CDW-EIS model
(IOP Publishing, 2013-06)
A complete formulation of the post-version of the continuum distorted wave-eikonal initial state (CDW-EIS) model is used to investigate single ionization of multishell atoms by fast bare proton beams. The influence of the ...
Gauge independent theory applied to a model of atomic ionization by an intense laser pulse
(Springer, 2011-10)
An explicitly gauge invariant strong field theory is introduced and tested using a model laser-atom interaction. The theory relies on a power series in the target potential. Transitions amplitudes are obtained by using a ...
Estudio de procesos de ionización múltiple en capas atómicas internas mediante espectroscopía de rayos X
Conjuntamente con las líneas de diagrama presentes en un espectro de emisión de rayos x, existen líneas de menor intensidad llamadas líneas satélites. En esta tesis se realizó un estudio de este espectro satélite en muestras ...
Atomic ionization by a sudden momentum transfer
(Elsevier Science, 2009-12)
We present a theoretical study of the distributions of ejected electrons as a result of the ionization of a hydrogen atom by a sudden momentum transfer. We show that the Coulomb–Volkov distorted wave theory in the impulsive ...
Ionization of atomic hydrogen by an intense resonant laser pulse
(Institute of Physics Publishing, 2009-12)
The ionization of atomic hydrogen by an intense laser field resonant with the transition ls-Spo is studied. The intensity of the field is strong enough to make the Rabi oscillations important. The theoretical treatment of ...
Unitary model for atomic ionization by an intense laser pulse
(Institute of Physics Publishing, 2009-12)
A unitary model describing the electronic transitions in an atom interacting with a laser pulse is proposed. The model includes the initial state coupling with the continuum spectrum. Continuum-continuum transitions are ...
Differential electron emission in the ionization of Ne and Xe atoms under fast bare carbon ion impact
(IOP Publishing, 2015-06)
Measurement of the energy and angular distributions of the double differential cross section (DDCS) of electron emission from Ne and Xe atoms in collision with 5 MeV u-1 bare carbon ions is reported. This study aimed to ...
Photoassociative ionization of cold Na atoms: repulsive levels effects on the ion production rate
We have revisited photoassociative ionization (PAI) in a cold sample of Na atmos. A two-color experiment was performed ina magneto-optical trap through the addition of aprobe laser. The observation of a marked change in ...
Resonant-enhanced above-threshold ionization of atoms by XUV short laser pulses
(Elsevier Science, 2009-12)
Above-threshold ionization of atoms by XUV short laser pulses is investigated close to the resonant 1s–2p transitions. Both ab initio TDSE and a theoretical Coulomb–Volkov like theory are used to study the enhancement in ...
Multicenter continuum-distorted-wave eikonal-initial-state description of the electron-impact ionization of aligned H2 molecules
(American Physical Society, 2020-10-12)
In this work, the multicenter continuum-distorted-wave (CDW) eikonal-initial-state (EIS) model is introduced. In contrast to previously reported CDW EIS analyses for electron-molecule collisions, in which the ionized ...