Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 20
Pseudo-nonlinear and athermal lensing effects on transverse properties of Cr(3+) based solid-state lasers
Several experiments (time-resolved Z-scan experiments based on pulsed and CW pump lasers, time-resolved divergence diagnostics) have been performed to examine and clarify the question of the converging or diverging population ...
Estudo do comportamento atérmico no sistema vítreo fosfato PANK em função da razão K2O/Al2O3Study of the athermal behavior of the PANK vitreous phosphate system as a function of the K2O/Al2O3 ratio
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilPrograma de Pós-graduação em Física, 2021)
Optically pump-induced athermal and nonresonant refractive index changes in the reference Cr-doped laser materials: Cr:GSGG and ruby
(Optical Society of America - OSAWashington, DC, 2012-05)
The refractive index of most ion-doped materials increases with the excited state population. This effect was studied in many laser materials, particularly those doped with 'Cr POT. 3+' and rare earth ions, using several ...
Micromechanical theory of strain stiffening of biopolymer networks
Filamentous biomaterials such as fibrin or collagen networks exhibit an enormous stiffening of their elastic moduli upon large deformations. This pronounced nonlinear behavior stems from a significant separation between ...
Effects of Inertia on the Steady-Shear Rheology of Disordered Solids
(American Physical Society, 2016-02)
We study the finite-shear-rate rheology of disordered solids by means of molecular dynamics simulations in two dimensions. By systematically varying the damping strength ζ in the low-temperature limit, we identify two ...
Yielding of amorphous solids at finite temperatures
(American Physical Society, 2021-11)
We analyze the effect of temperature on the yielding transition of amorphous solids using different coarse-grained model approaches. On one hand, we use an elastoplastic model, with temperature introduced in the form of ...
Influence of temperature on liquid - liquid equilibrium of methanol + toluene + hexane ternary system at atmospheric pressure
(Springer/Plenum Publishers, 2018-09)
Abstract Liquid-liquid equilibrium of methanol + toluene+ hexane ternary system at 278.15,283.15, 288.15 and 293.15 K are reported. The effect of the temperature on liquid-liquidequilibrium is discussed. All chemicals were ...
Effective diffusion coefficient for Cu in steel joined by transient liquid phase bonding
(Elsevier, 2016-02)
Seamless carbon steel tubes were joined by the transient liquid phase (TLP) bonding process using Cu foilsas interlayers. Bonding was performed at 1300 °C for 7 min with an applied uniaxial pressure of 5 MPa. Thecompletion ...
Effects of strain-induced martensite and its reversion on the magnetic properties of AISI 201 austenitic stainless steel
(Elsevier Science, 2016-12)
Strain-induced martensite (SIM) and its reversion in a cold-rolled AISI 201 austenitic stainless steel was studied by means of magnetic properties, light optical (LOM) and scanning electron (SEM) microscopy, electron ...