Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 602
On S-asymptotically omega-periodic functions and applications
Let (X, parallel to . parallel to) be a Banach space and omega is an element of R. A bounded function u is an element of C([0, infinity); X) is called S-asymptotically omega-periodic if lim(t ->infinity)[u(t + omega) - ...
Asymptotics of zeros of polynomials arising from rational integrals
(Elsevier B.V., 2014)
Asymptotics of zeros of polynomials arising from rational integrals
(Elsevier B.V., 2004-11-01)
We prove that the zeros of the polynomials P.. (a) of degree m, defined by Boros and Moll via[GRAPHICS]approach the lemmiscate {zeta epsilon C: \zeta(2) - 1\ = Hzeta < 0}, as m --> infinity. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All ...
Asymptotics of zeros of polynomials arising from rational integrals
(Elsevier B.V., 2004-11-01)
We prove that the zeros of the polynomials P.. (a) of degree m, defined by Boros and Moll via[GRAPHICS]approach the lemmiscate {zeta epsilon C: \zeta(2) - 1\ = Hzeta < 0}, as m --> infinity. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All ...
Some asymptotics for Sobolev orthogonal polynomials involving Gegenbauer weights
(Elsevier B.V., 2010-12-15)
We consider the Sobolev inner product< f.g > = integral(1)(-1) f(x)g(x)(1 - x(2))(alpha-1/2) dx + integral f'(x)g'(x)d psi(x), alpha > -1/2,where d(psi) is a measure involving a Gegenbauer weight and with mass points outside ...
Some asymptotics for Sobolev orthogonal polynomials involving Gegenbauer weights
(Elsevier B.V., 2010-12-15)
We consider the Sobolev inner product< f.g > = integral(1)(-1) f(x)g(x)(1 - x(2))(alpha-1/2) dx + integral f'(x)g'(x)d psi(x), alpha > -1/2,where d(psi) is a measure involving a Gegenbauer weight and with mass points outside ...
Asymptotic integration of a linear fourth order differential equation of Poincare type
(University Szeged, 2015)
This article deals with the asymptotic behavior of nonoscillatory solutions of fourth order linear differential equation where the coefficients are perturbations of constants. We define a change of variable and deduce that ...
Near-field asymptotics for the porous medium equation in exterior domains: The critical two-dimensional case
(Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2018-09)
We consider the porous medium equation in an exterior two-dimensional domain that excludes a hole, with zero Dirichlet data on its boundary. Gilding and Goncerzewicz proved in 2007 that in the far-field scale, which is the ...
Monotonicity and asymptotics of zeros of Sobolev type orthogonal polynomials: A general case
(Elsevier B.V., 2012-11-01)
We investigate the location, monotonicity, and asymptotics of the zeros of the polynomials orthogonal with respect to the Sobolev type inner product< p, q > (lambda,c.j) = integral(b)(a) p(x)q(x)mu(x) + lambda p((j))(c)q ...