Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 943
Speed estimation for induction motor using neural networks method
This work presents an alternative approach based on neural network method in order to estimate speed of induction motors, using the measurement of primary variables such as voltage and current. Induction motors are very ...
Speed estimation for induction motor using neural networks method
This work presents an alternative approach based on neural network method in order to estimate speed of induction motors, using the measurement of primary variables such as voltage and current. Induction motors are very ...
Comparison of efficiency between two artificial insemination methods using frozen-thawed semen in domestic cat (Felis catus) Artificial insemination in domestic cats
(Elsevier B.V., 2009-09-01)
The aim of this study was to compare the efficiency of the intravaginal (IVAI) vs. intrauterine artificial insemination (IUAI) using frozen-thawed sperm in the domestic cat. Semen was collected from two tom cats using an ...
Comparison of efficiency between two artificial insemination methods using frozen-thawed semen in domestic cat (Felis catus) Artificial insemination in domestic cats
(Elsevier B.V., 2009-09-01)
The aim of this study was to compare the efficiency of the intravaginal (IVAI) vs. intrauterine artificial insemination (IUAI) using frozen-thawed sperm in the domestic cat. Semen was collected from two tom cats using an ...
Performance Enhancement of Wind Farms Using Tuned SSSC Based on Artificial Neural Network
Recently, power systems are confronting a lot of challenges. Increasing the dependence on renewable energy sources especially wind energy and its impact on the stability of electrical systems are the most important challenges. ...
Inductive logic programming applied for knowledge representation in computer music
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarCâmpus São CarlosDepartamento de Computação - DC, 2021-07-15)
In Computer Music, the knowledge representation process is an essential element for the development of systems. Methods have been applied to provide the computer with the ability to generate conclusions based on previously ...
Technical and economic analysis of replacing artificial lighting system to induction of photoperiod effect in begonia's seedlings in greenhouseAnálise técnico-econômica da substituição do sistema de iluminação artificial para a indução do efeito de fotoperíodo na produção de mudas de begônias em ambiente protegido
(Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola, 2012)
Speed Neuro-fuzzy Estimator Applied To Sensorless Induction Motor Control
This work proposes the development of an Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) estimator applied to speed control in a three-phase induction motor sensorless drive. Usually, ANFIS is used to replace the traditional ...