Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 463
Arterial intima-media thickness in healthy Chilean children using an ultrasonographic computerized technique Grosor de íntima-media carotídea en niños saños por técnica ecográfica computarizada
Introduction: Vascular endothelium is a target organ in metabolic syndrome. Ultrasound measurement of intimae-media thickness (IMT) is used in adults to predict cardiovascular risk, but normal values in children are unknown. ...
Cardiovascular risk factors among young subjects with high carotid intima media thickness
Background: Cardiovascular risk factor (RF) assessment is essential to prevent and predict cardiovascular disease. The presence of RF at early ages, are determinant for the presence of atherosclerosis later in life. Aim: ...
Hipertensión arterial: el factor de riesgo más importante para grosor íntima-media carotídeo elevado y placa carotídea en adultos de Santiago
Background: Carotid Ultima media thickness (CIMT) is a marker of cardiovascular damage that can be modified by traditional risk factors. Aim: To determine attributable risk factors for a high CIMT among healthy adults. ...
Postural Changes May Influence Popliteal Atherosclerosis by Modifying Local Circumferential Wall Tension
(Nature Publishing GroupLondonInglaterra, 2008)
Carotid artery atherosclerotic profile as a predictor of the aorta atherosclerotic profile in patients with cerebrovascular events
Background: It is well known that the presence of atheroma of the thoracic aorta is a risk factor for cerebrovascular events. We sought to evaluate whether the presence and the morphology of atherosclerotic plaque in the ...
Carotid artery atherosclerotic profile as a predictor of the aorta atherosclerotic profile in patients with cerebrovascular events
Background: It is well known that the presence of atheroma of the thoracic aorta is a risk factor for cerebrovascular events. We sought to evaluate whether the presence and the morphology of atherosclerotic plaque in the ...
Calcio arterial, espesor íntima media y riesgo cardiovascular
(Fundación Universitaria Dr. René G. Favaloro, 2019)
El cáncer junto a las enfermedades cardiovasculares sonconsideradas responsables del 65% de las muertes en Europa según laOrganización Mundial de la Salud. Sólo las enfermedades cardiovascularesrepresentan el 32% de las ...