Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 651
Dance, Sexuality, and Utopian Subversion under the Argentine Dictatorship of the 1960s: The Case of Oscar Araiz's the Rite of Spring and Ana Itelman's Phaedra
(Cambridge University Press, 2016-08)
A phenomenon that defines how dance practices in Argentina developed during the 1960s was the fact that those working in the field were compelled to deal with the political sphere, both at an institutional level and vis-à-vis ...
Argentine Catholicism during the last military dictatorship: unresolved tensions and tragic outcomes
(Carfax Publishing Ltd., 2013-06)
This paper analyzes the relationships between institutional discipline and state repression whithin the Catholic church in Argentina during the last military dictatorship. Rather than a natural continuity between both terms ...
Documentaries and politics in post-dictatorship Argentina: Cuarentena: Exilio y regreso and Juan, como si nada hubiera sucedido by Carlos Echeverría
(Taylor & Francis, 2013-05)
While much has been written about Argentine political documentary during the 1960s and 1970s, less has been said about post-dictatorship political documentaries. This article will consider the films Cuarentena. Exilio y ...
El carácter genocida del Proceso de Reorganización Nacional
(Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Humanidades y Artes. Escuela de Historia, 2019)
La Iglesia argentina durante el "Proceso" (1976-1983)
(Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 2005)
El presente artículo aborda las relaciones que se establecieron entre la jerarquía de la iglesia católica argentina y el régimen militar que gobernó el país entre el 24 de marzo de 1976 y el 10 de diciembre de 1983, ...
The Argentinian and Chilean 'Novela Negra' (crime fiction) of the post-dictatorship
This paper aims to explain some contextual features of the Novela Negra in Chile and Argentina as part of the detective fiction in the period of post-dictatorship. Then, it will try to accent some nuances of difference ...
La politique sous la dictature argentine: Le ‘Processus de réorganisation nationale’ ou la tentative inachevée de refonte de la société (1976-1983)Politics under Argentinean dictatorship: The national reorganization process or the unfinished attempt at restructuring society (1976-1983)
(Presses de Sciences Po, 2010-01)
Questioning economic readings and those that interpret the former Argentine military dictatorship as an expression of evil or absolute power, the article analyzes the ambitious political objectives of the process of national ...
Genocide on Trial: Case Note and Extracts of "Circuito Camps" Judgment
(The International Association of Genocide Scholars, 2013-11)
Since 2006, several Argentine courts have tried the crimes committed during the 1976 dictatorship. While in most countries these crimes are usually tried by International Tribunals or by Mixed Jurisdiction Tribunals, in ...