Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1130
Modeling of hydrochemistry evolution in carbonatic–siliciclastic aquifer system in coastal environment
Coastal regions are quite populous, causing coastal aquifers to be overexploited, due to which contamination of these aquifers is observed. The municipality of Belém, located on the eastern edge of the Amazon Forest, is ...
Assessing the impact of recycled water quality and clogging on infiltration rates at a pioneering Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT) site in Alice Springs, Northern Territory (NT), Australia
Infiltration techniques for managed aquifer recharge (MAR), such as soil aquifer treatment (SAT) can facilitate low-cost water recycling and supplement groundwater resources. However there are still challenges in sustaining ...
Health risk related to radon in a thermal spa utilizing waters from Guarani aquifer
(Wit Press/computational Mechanics Publications, 2007-01-01)
This investigation was carried out within the Parana sedimentary basin, Brazil, involved the sampling of groundwater and air, and was realized with the purpose of evaluating the radioactivity, due to radon gas, in a thermal ...
SDR: A new method to assess the natural vulnerability to contamination of granular unconfined aquifersSDR: Um novo método para avaliar a vulnerabilidade natural à contaminação de aquíferos livres granulares
In view of increase in the number of contaminated areas, which compromise the groundwater quality and constitute risks to human health, it is essential to establish instruments for land use planning and management, aiming ...
Statistical analysis of hydrochemistry and isotopic characterization of groundwater from the parecis basinAnálise estatística da hidroquimica e caracterização isotópica das águas subterrâneas da bacia dos parecis
Knowledge of mechanism controlling the hydrochemistry of groundwater are crucial requirement to understand the hydrochemical evolution and evaluate the water quality of subsurficial water resources. Thus, to understand the ...
Re-evaluating hydrochemical data from aquifers occurring in the rio claro city region, sÃo paulo state, Brazil
Groundwater use increases every year in different sectors of the society, therefore, hydrochemical studies of aquifers and their relations with the anthropic environment are crucial. With an area of approximately 1,880 km2 ...
Reserve evaluation of a fault-conditioned aquifer: the Barreiras Aquifer in the coastal region of NE Brazil
(Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia, 2020)
Health risk related to radon in a thermal spa utilizing waters from Guarani aquifer
(Wit Press/computational Mechanics Publications, 2007-01-01)
This investigation was carried out within the Parana sedimentary basin, Brazil, involved the sampling of groundwater and air, and was realized with the purpose of evaluating the radioactivity, due to radon gas, in a thermal ...