Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 128
The decisional juridical discourse of the appellate body of the WTO: Among treaties and dictionaries as referents
This present paper is devoted to the analysis of the decisional juridical discourses of the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization. For this end, we decided to develop the research around two poles which shall be ...
¿Y si vamos a arbitraje? El arreglo interino multipartes de arbitraje: análisis y vacíos legales
(Universidad ESANPE, 2022-06-24)
In December 2019, the period of two member of the Appellate Body expired. Consequently, the Appellate Body became an inoperative institution. In this context, a group of Members of the WTO negotiated an alternative mechanism ...
¿Y si vamos a arbitraje? El arreglo interino multipartes de arbitraje: análisis y vacíos legales
(Universidad ESANPE, 2022-06-24)
In December 2019, the period of two member of the Appellate Body expired. Consequently, the Appellate Body became an inoperative institution. In this context, a group of Members of the WTO negotiated an alternative mechanism ...
Appellate Procedures And Dispute Settlement Mechanism For Indonesian Trade Disputes
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Aproximación al sistema de solución de diferencias de la Organización Mundial del Comercio. Estudio de casos
(Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, extensión Guayaquil, 2018)
Demystifying the Prudential Carve-out: A proposal
(Departamento de Derecho Económico, 2015-06-09)
This article explores how the broadest spirited exception in the framework of the World Trade Organization, commonly referred to as the prudential carve-out, could be applied without adding to or diminishing the rights and ...
Wto principles and institutións. The challenge of regiónal trade agreements (rtas)
In an attempt to treat the aforementioned subjects, this thesis is organizedaccording to the following structure:In the first chapter, 1 analyze the traditional principie of nondiscrimination as a basis for the multilateral ...