Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 775
Princípios éticos na experimentação animal
The treatment of animals used in research or in education tests requires proper care, scientific judgment and qualified professionals to understand the needs of the animals and the special requirements of the research, ...
Princípios éticos na experimentação animal
The treatment of animals used in research or in education tests requires proper care, scientific judgment and qualified professionals to understand the needs of the animals and the special requirements of the research, ...
Play behaviour in nonhuman animals and the animal welfare issue
(Springer Tokyo, 2010-01-01)
The mission of defining animal welfare indicators is methodologically difficult, limited, and possibly impossible. A promising alternative, however, to evaluate suitable environmental conditions is the assessment of play ...
Play behaviour in nonhuman animals and the animal welfare issue
(Springer Tokyo, 2010-01-01)
The mission of defining animal welfare indicators is methodologically difficult, limited, and possibly impossible. A promising alternative, however, to evaluate suitable environmental conditions is the assessment of play ...
Animal welfare: From concepts to realityBem-estar animal: Dos conceitos à realidade
In this review, we provide a brief retrospective history of the science of animal welfare and recognize the sentience of non-human animals; however, we emphasize that crucial problems remain regarding how to define and ...
Play behaviour in nonhuman animals and the animal welfare issue
(Springer Tokyo, 2014)
Abrigo Liga das Patinhas: redesign do espaço de interação e convívio entre homem e animalLiga das Patinhas Shelter: redesign of the interaction and conviviality between man and animal
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilDesign, 2022)
Challenges in Assessing Fish Welfare
(Inst Laboratory Animal Research, Natl Res Council, 2009-01-01)
Descriptions of feeling states in nonhuman animals have relied on indirect evidence from empirical data. Assumptions that fish do not experience suffering lack evidence and in fact contradict a large body of indirect ...