Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 64
Email Marketing com Java e Angular utilizando serviço Amazon
(Florianópolis, SC, 2017)
Association of vision impairment and blindness with socioeconomic status in adults 50 years and older from Alto Amazonas, Peru
(Springer, 2022)
Objective: To determine the relationship between socioeconomic status (SES) and visual impairment (VI) or blindness in the rural Peruvian Amazon, hypothesizing that higher SES would have a protective effect on the odds of ...
Prevalence of and factors associated with childhood anaemia in remote villages of the Peruvian Amazon: a cross-sectional study and geospatial analysis.
(Oxford University Press, 2023)
BACKGROUND: Anaemia is a public health problem in Peru. In the Loreto region of the Amazon, ≥50% of children may be anaemic, although insufficient information exists for rural villages. METHODS: To generate more data about ...
Níveis tensionais de adultos indígenas Suruí, Rondônia, BrasilBlood pressure levels of Suruí indigenous adults in Rondônia, Brazil
(ABRASCO - Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva, 2023)
Implementación y Despliegue de un Módulo Web para Controlar el Ingreso de Usuarios y Gestión de Pagos Online Dentro de la Plataforma BYE BYE 404.
El informe que se presenta a continuación tiene como fin contextualizar sobre los aspectos más importantes que se llevaron a cabo en la elaboración y puesta en marcha del MÓDULO WEB PARA CONTROLAR EL INGRESO DE USUARIOS Y ...
O que o manejo do pirarucu pode nos ensinar: aspectos ecológicos, sociais e culturais aplicáveis a múltiplos sistemas socioecológicos
Socioecological systems (SES) are the complex systems encompassing both the social
(human) and the ecological (biophysical) dimensions. These dimensions are equally important
and function as an interdependent system, in ...