Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1567
Amphibian trophic ecology in increasingly human-altered wetlands
(Herpetological Conservation and Biology, 2015-12)
Habitat destruction and alteration are among the major causes of worldwide amphibian declines. Resource limitation in altered environments can potentially affect trophic ecology of amphibians and contribute to decline. In ...
Effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on the abundance and species richness of aphidophagous beetles and aphids in experimental alfalfa landscapes
(Czech Academy of Sciences, 2008)
In agro-ecosystems, habitat loss and fragmentation may alter the assemblage of aphidophagous insects, such as foliarforaging (coccinellids) and ground-foraging predators (carabids), potentially affecting intraguild ...
Padrões ecomorfológicos na borboleta Hamadryas februa (Nymphalidae) são afetados por modificações no habitatEcomorphological patterns in the butterfly Hamadryas februa (Nymphalidae) are affected by habitat changes
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNEcologiaDepartamento de Ecologia, 2022)
Effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on the abundance and species richness of aphidophagous beetles and aphids in experimental alfalfa landscapes
In agro-ecosystems, habitat loss and fragmentation may alter the assemblage of aphidophagous insects, Such as foliar-foraging (coccinellids) and ground-foraging predators (carabids), potentially affecting intraguild ...
Efecto de la alteración del hábitat en la comunidad de aves de la localidad balnearia de Cariló, ArgentinaEffect of habitat alteration in the bird community of Cariló seaside locality, Argentina
(Asociación Ornitológica del Plata, 2020-08)
Los procesos de urbanización alteran los hábitats naturales y las aves responden de manera diferente según el grado de disturbio en el ambiente. En este estudio analizamos el efecto de la alteración del hábitat en la ...
Use of altered habitats by understory insectivore birds in an environmental gradient and their potential for conservation in Nicoya, Costa RicaUso de hábitats alterados por aves insectívoras de sotobosque en un gradiente ambiental y su potencial para la conservación en Nicoya, Costa Rica
(Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica, 2020)
Regional-scale variation on Dromiciops gliroides occurrence, abundance, and activity patterns along a habitat disturbance gradient
(Oxford University Press, 2020)
Habitat structure may have a significant influence on the occurrence, abundance, and activity patterns of forest mammals. However, anthropogenic habitat disturbance changes habitat structure, which may alter those patterns ...
Effects on the thermoregulatory efficiency of two native lizards as a consequence of the habitat modification by the introduction of the exotic tree Acacia longifolia
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd., 2013-01)
Habitat modification alters several aspects of the original fauna, among them the opportunity for thermoregulation. Here, we studied the thermal biology of sympatric populations of two lizard species (Liolaemus multimaculatus ...