Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 226
Time discretization versus state quantization in the simulation of a one-dimensional advection–diffusion–reaction equation
(SAGE Publications, 2016-01)
In this article, we study the effects of replacing the time discretization by the quantization of the state variables on a one-dimensional (1D) advection–diffusion–reaction (ADR) problem. For that purpose the 1D ADR equation ...
SOLUTIONS OF THE ATMOSPHERIC ADVECTION-DIFFUSION EQUATIONSolutions of the Atmospheric Advection-diffusion Equation
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2007)
Hypergeometric foundations of Fokker-Plank like equations
(Elsevier Science, 2016-05)
We discover a deep connection between the Fokker-Planck equation and the hypergeometric differential equation. The same applies to a nonlinear generalization of such equation.
Modeling the advection-diffusion-reaction equation and its application in a power plantModelagem da equação de advecção-difusão-reação e aplicação em uma usina termelétrica
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2020)
Assessment of a high-order finite difference upwind scheme for the simulation of convection-diffusion problems
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2009-05-10)
This article deals with the Study of the development and application of the high-order upwind ADBQUICKEST scheme, an adaptative bounded version of the QUICKEST for unsteady problems (Commun. Numer Meth. Engng 2007; ...