Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 665
Confocal and video imaging of cytoskeleton dynamics in the leech zygote
(Academic Press Inc., 2004)
Ooplasmic segregation in the late interphase zygote of the leech Theromyzon trizonare is accomplished by reorganization of an ectoplasmic cytoskeleton formed by polar rings and meridional bands. The dynamic properties of ...
Regulation of the Plasma Membrane Calcium ATPases by the actin cytoskeleton
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2017-11)
Associations between the cortical cytoskeleton and the components of the plasma membrane are no longer considered to be merely of structural and mechanical nature but are nowadays recognized as dynamic interactions that ...
Crosstalk between Rac1-mediated actin regulation and ROS production
(Elsevier Inc., 2018)
© 2018 Elsevier Inc.The small RhoGTPase Rac1 is implicated in a variety of events related to actin cytoskeleton rearrangement. Remarkably, another event that is completely different from those related to actin regulation ...
Beta-Actin shows limited mobility and is required only for supraphysiological insulin-stimulated glucose transport in young adult soleus muscle
(American Physiological Society, 2018)
Studies in skeletal muscle cell cultures suggest that the cortical actin cytoskeleton is a major requirement for insulin-stimulated glucose transport, implicating the beta-actin isoform, which in many cell types is the ...
In vitro inhibition of incompatible pollen tubes in Nicotiana alata involves the uncoupling of the F-actin cytoskeleton and the endomembrane trafficking system
(Springer Wien, 2015-01)
In the S-RNase-based self-incompatibility system, subcellular events occurring in the apical region of incompatible pollen tubes during the pollen rejection process are poorly understood. F-actin dynamics and endomembrane ...
Actin Filaments—A Target for Redox Regulation
(Wiley, 2016)
Actin and its ability to polymerize into dynamic filaments is
critical for the form and function of cells throughout the
body. While multiple proteins have been characterized as
affecting actin dynamics through noncovalent ...
The complex dynamic network of microtubule and microfilament cytasters of the leech zygote
(Academic Press Inc., 2000)
The organization of the cytoskeleton in the early first interphase zygote and its involvement in organelle redistribution were studied in the glossiphoniid leech Theromyzon trizonare by confocal and electron microscopy, ...
Human erythrocytes: cytoskeleton and its origin
(Springer, 2020-05)
In the last few years, erythrocytes have emerged as the main determinant of blood rheology. In mammals, these cells are devoid of nuclei and are, therefore, unable to divide. Consequently, all circulating erythrocytes come ...