Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2251
Achievable rate region for the Gaussian MIMO MAC with cooperating encoders
(Wiley-blackwellHobokenEUA, 2012)
Achievable error exponents for the two-way parallel DMC
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021)
We investigate error exponent regions for the parallel two-way DMC in which each terminal sends its own message and provides feedback to the other terminal. Various error exponents are presented in different rate-region ...
An achievable data-rate region subject to a stationary performance constraint for lti plants
Flat trend of high caesarean section rates in Peru: A pooled analysis of 3,376,062 births from the national birth registry, 2012 to 2020: Caesarean section rates in Peru
(Elsevier, 2022)
Background: National and subnational C-section rates are seldom available in low- and middle-income countries to guide policies and interventions. We aimed to describe the C-section rates at the national and subnational ...
Regional integration and the issue of choosing an appropriate exchange-rate regime in Latin America
(ECLAC, 2002-08)
Behind the discussion on optimal exchange-rate regimes lies the need to achieve external and internal equilibrium, and thus create an appropriate macroeconomic climate for sustained growth and development. The ...
Common currency and economic integration in Mercosul
(M E Sharpe Inc, 2009)
Latin America has a long history of attempts to achieve regional integration, yet success has been modest. This paper contends that this is essentially due not so much to protectionist practices in the various countries, ...
An achievable data-rate region subject to a stationary performance constraint for lti plantsIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROLIEEE T AUTOMAT CONTR
Exchange rate policy in Chile: from the band to floating and beyond
(Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2002)
With the exemption of adopting a foreign currency, Chile has experienced virtually all
the menu of options of exchange rate policies in the last 40 years. The quest for a reasonable
exchange rate policy has been inspired ...
Inteligencia emocional y rendimiento académico de los alumnos del nivel secundario de una institución educativa de la región Callao
(Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, 2011)
The research presented here, was mainly aimed at establishing the relationship between emotional intelligence and academic achievement in secondary level educational institution in the region Callao. The sample consisted ...
Inteligencia emocional y rendimiento académico de los alumnos del nivel secundario de una institución educativa de la región Callao
(Universidad San Ignacio de LoyolaPE, 2011)
The research presented here, was mainly aimed at establishing the relationship between emotional intelligence and academic achievement in secondary level educational institution in the region Callao. The sample consisted ...