Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 131
Información General: Laboratorio de Zoonosis
(SABER ULA, 2004)
Prevalencia de fiebre Q, en bovinos fenotipo lechero mediante el método de ELISA indirecto
Q fever is a zoonosis caused by Coxiella burnetii, a bacterium that is found in the environment due to the lack of hygiene in facilities, pastures and climatic variations. This work was done in order to identify the presence ...
Revisión bibliográfica de enfermedades zoonóticas
(Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Medicina veterinaria, 2003)
Prevalencia de fiebre Q en caninos (Canis lupus familiaris) atendidos en campañas de esterilización aparentemente sanos, mediante ELISA indirecto
The research was carried out to measure antigens for Coxiella Burnetii, out of a total of 112 subjects studied, for this direct puncture was used and then the samples were centrifuged to obtain blood plasma. Pools of 10 ...
Prevalencia de brucella abortus en alpacas (Vicugna pacos) mediante la técnica de ELISA indirecta
Being a zoonotic disease, brucellosis is not taken into account by producers, that is why; that, in the investigation carried out in alpacas, the antibodies present and the prevalence of the disease in this species were ...
Prevalencia de Brucella abortus en caninos (Canis lupus familiaris), en campañas de esterilización masiva, mediante la técnica de ELISA indirecta
The research was carried out to measure antigens for Brucella abortus of animals sampled in massive sterilization campaigns, each sample was analyzed by the indirect ELISA method, with a total of 170 animals, which were ...
Caracterización y control de resistencia antimicrobiana: un desafío interdisciplinario integrado
(Asociación Argentina para el Progreso de las Ciencias, 2015-12)
El aumento de bacterias resistentes a los antibióticos representa una importante amenaza en salud humana y animal. Frente a la ausencia de desarrollo de nuevos fármacos antimicrobianos, la resistencia a los antibióticos ...