Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 15
Review of Zero Energy Building Concept-Definition and Developments in Latin America: A Framework Definition for Application in Panama
In recent decades, European countries have developed concepts, definitions, and construction technologies for Zero Energy Building (ZEB) that are effective and correspond to their specific climates. Latin American countries ...
Thermal performance and net energy balance of an office building in Mendoza with a trend towards nearly zero energy (nZEB)Comportamiento térmico y balance energético neto de un edificio de oficina de Mendoza con tendencia hacia la energía casi nula (nZEB)
(Instituto de Investigaciones Tecnológicas para el Diseño Ambiental del Hábitat Humano, 2022)
10 preguntas de los edificios energía cero: revisión del estado del arte10 questions about zero energy buildings: a stete of the art review
(Universidad del Bío Bío, 2020-12)
Los Edificios Energía Cero o ZEB (Zero Energy Buildings) promueven una mirada integral de la arquitectura sustentable y un cambio profundo en la manera de construir. La investigación y el desarrollo en transición energética ...
Analysis of the methodology to obtain several key indicators performance (KIP), by energy retrofitting of the actual building to the district heating fuelled by biomass, focusing on nZEB goal: case of study
(MDPI, 2019)
In order to achieve the objectives of the European 20/20/20 strategy, and to obtain a greater energy efficiency, integration of renewable energies and the reduction of carbon emissions, a District Heating (DH) system has ...
Technologies of zero energies buildings. A review.
(Universidad del ValleColombia, 2019-07-31)
(Eng) Buildings represent a significant proportion of total carbon and energy
emissions worldwide and play an important
role in the formulation of sustainable development strategies. Several countries have ...