Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 447
Catalisadores Cu-, Co- ou Fe-ZSM-5 caracterização e avaliação na redução de NO a N2 com hidrocarbonetos na presença ou ausência de vapor de água.
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Química - PPGEQ, 2005-03-04)
The minimization of the emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the atmosphere has been one of the great goals in the area of environmental
protection. Among the possible processes to treat the NOx, the selective catalytic ...
Enhancement of synthesis of ZSM-11 zeolite by microwave irradiation
(Elsevier Inc, 2014-07)
A novel and complete description for ZSM-11 zeolite microwave-assisted synthesis is provided. The time required for the synthesis of ZSM-11 zeolite was remarkably reduced down to 3–4 days instead of 14 days under classical ...
Synthesis of hierarchical ZSM-11 zeolitesSíntesis de Zeolitas ZSM-11 con Porosidad JerarquizadaSíntese de Zeólitos ZSM-11 com Porosidade de Hierarquia
(Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, 2019)
Zéolitas ZSM-12 mesoporosas textura, cristalinidade e atividade ácida para o craqueamento de cicloexano
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Química - PPGEQ, 2013-09-12)
The research addressed the generation of mesoporosity in the zeolite ZSM-12 (MTW). In the first part we studied the synthesis of ZSM-12 via conventional methodology and in the presence of a mesopore directing agent, ...
Zeolite catalysts for the water gas shift reaction
Cu- and Cu,Zn-ZSM-5 zeolite catalysts were prepared using different cation exchange procedures. The samples were characterized by TPR; CO-FTIR; O2-TPD, XRD; BET and XPS. These catalysts showed appreciable activity and ...