Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 10
On the existence of a derived equivalence between a Kozul algebra and its Yoneda Algebra
(World Scientific, 2014-01)
In this paper, we study the derived categories of a Koszul algebra and its Yoneda algebra to determine when those categories are triangularly equivalent. We prove that the simply connected Koszul algebras are derived ...
On the multi-Koszul property for connected algebras
(Univ Bielefeld, 2013-12)
In this article we introduce the notion of multi-Koszul algebra for the case of a locally finite dimensional nonnegatively graded connected algebra, as a generalization of the notion of (generalized) Koszul algebras defined ...
On a definition of multi-Koszul algebras
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2013-02)
In this article we introduce the notion of multi-Koszul algebra for the case of a nonnegatively graded connected algebra with a finite number of generators of degree 1 and with a finite number of relations, as a generalization ...
The cohomology ring of the 12-dimensional Fomin-Kirillov algebra
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2016-03)
The 12-dimensional Fomin-Kirillov algebra FK3 is defined as the quadratic algebra with generators a, b and c which satisfy the relations a2=b2=c2=0 and ab+bc+ca=0=ba+cb+ac. By a result of A. Milinski and H.-J. Schneider, ...
Finitely semi-graded algebras and Koszulity
The aim of this work is to introduce the class of finitely semi-graded algebras which is a generalization of finitely graded algebras generated in degree one, and include important examples whithin the skew P BW extensions. ...
Homological invariants relating the super Jordan plane to the Virasoro algebra
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2018-08)
Nichols algebras are an important tool for the classification of Hopf algebras. Within those with finite GK dimension, we study homological invariants of the super Jordan plane, that is, the Nichols algebra A=B(V(−1,2)). ...
?lgebras de Koszul e resolu??es projetivasKoszul algebras and projective resolutions
(Instituto Federal de Educa??o, Ci?ncia e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilNatal - CentralOutroPrograma de P?s-Gradua??o em Matem?tica do Instituto de Matem?tica e Estat?stica da Universidade de S?o PauloOutroIFRN, 2016)
El problema de la existencia de retracciones en extensiones modulo finitas y la conjetura de Koh
Si RcS es una extensión de anillos, una pregunta natural es cuándo existe una función R-lineal que envié el 1 en el 1; a esto se le conoce como retracción. La pregunta acerca de retracciones en extensiones módulo finitas, ...