Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 13
Clinical evaluation of a malic acid/xylitol spray and a citric acid spray for the treatment of dentinal hyposalivation: a randomized clinical trialEvaluación clínica de ácido málico/xilitol en aerosol y ácido cítrico en aerosol para el tratamiento de la hiposalivación: ensayo clínico aleatorizado
(Universidad de Valparaíso, 2020)
Impact of 1% malic acid spray on the oral health-related quality of life of patients with xerostomia
(Nihon University, School of Dentistry, 2018-06)
Dry mouth sensation, also known as xerostomia, is a common clinical problem with an increasing prevalence. Although recent studies have reported promissory results of malic acid, none have evaluated the impact of malic ...
Sustainable synthesis of natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) by different methods
Natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) based on malic acid-citric acid-water (MA-CA), xylitol-citric acid-water (Xyl-CA) and xylitol-malic acid-water (Xyl-MA) were prepared according to three different methods: controlled ...
Mixture design and physicochemical characterization of amino acid-based DEEP eutectic solvents (AADES) for sample preparation prior to elemental analysis
Amino acid-based deep eutectic solvents (AADES) represent a new subclass of deep eutectic solvents (DES) in which at least one of the components must be an amino acid, offering advantages such as low toxicity, biodegradability ...
Seleção de leveduras fermentadoras de xilose e análise do exometaboloma de Meyerozyma guilliermondii UFV-1Selection of yeasts fermenting xylose and exometabolome analysis of Meyerozyma guilliermondii UFV-1
(Universidade Federal de ViçosaBRAssociações micorrízicas; Bactérias láticas e probióticos; Biologia molecular de fungos de interesseMestrado em Microbiologia AgrícolaUFV, 2015)
Enhanced extraction of arsenic and cadmium from environmental samples using a natural deep eutectic solvent and determination by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2020-09-29)
A natural deep eutectic solvent (NADES) synthesised from malic acid, xylitol, and water was used as a solvent in ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) for the determination of As and Cd in fish and shellfish samples by ...
Natural deep eutectic solvents for sample preparation prior to elemental analysis by plasma-based techniques
Natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) based on xylitol, citric acid, and malic acid were synthesized and were then characterized using infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetry (TG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), ...
Synthesis of natural deep eutectic solvents using a mixture design for extraction of animal and plant samples prior to ICP-MS analysis
Solvents with both low density and viscosity have the advantage of higher extraction efficiency due to lower diffusivity and consequently higher mass transfer. In this study, a mixture design was performed for the synthesis ...
Natural deep eutectic Solvents (NADES) in sample preparation of phosphate rock and mineral supplement for elementary determination by plasma-based techniquesSolventes eutÉticos naturais profundos (nades) no preparo de amostras de rocha fosfÁtica e suplemento mineral para determinaÇÃo elementar por tÉcnicas de plasma
Natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) based on xylitol, citric acid, and malic acid were synthesized and used in ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) and heating-bath extraction of phosphate rock and mineral supplement ...
Solventes eutéticos profundos baseados em β-alanina (AADES) para emprego em métodos verdes de preparo de amostras vegetais para determinação de As por ICP-MS
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2021-06-23)
O emprego de solventes é crucial para a etapa de preparo de amostras, e sendo assim, há uma preocupação no desenvolvimento de alternativas que sejam consideradas ambientalmente amigáveis. Os solventes eutéticos profundos ...