Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 39
Discovery of new mitorubrin derivatives from Hypoxylon fulvo-sulphureum sp. nov. (Ascomycota, Xylariales)
(Springer Heidelberg, 2015-04)
A specimen of the Hypoxylon rubiginosum complex featuring unusual bicoloured stromata was collected in northern Thailand and examined by means of classical morphological methodology, complemented by studies of its secondary ...
A new species of Daldinia (Xylariaceae) from the Argentine subtropical montane forest
(Guizhou Key Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology, 2016-12)
Based on a combination of morphological, molecular phylogenetic and chemotaxonomic evidence, a new species of Daldinia from Northwest of Argentina is described. Daldinia korfii is morphologically related to D. placentiformis, ...
Clave para la identificación de especies de la familia Diatrypaceae (Xylariales, Ascomycota)
(Fundacion Miguel Lillo, 2014-08)
Clave para la identificación de especies en la familia Diatrypaceae Xylariales, Ascomycota). El presente trabajo brinda una clave para la identificación de las especies y/o complejo de especies, octosporados de la familia ...
New species and reports of Hypoxylon from Argentina recognized by a polyphasic approach
(Springer Heidelberg, 2016-04-02)
A preliminary account of Hypoxylon species (Xylariaceae) from the hitherto widely unexplored “Yungas” mountain forests of Northwest Argentina is presented. Two new species are described based on extensive morphological, ...
Nuevos registros de Xylariales (Ascomycota) para la Argentina
(Sociedad Argentina de Botánica, 2017-08)
Camillea scriblita y Nemania immersidiscus son registradas por primera vez para la micobiota Argentina. Se incluyen descripciones y fotografias de estas especies y de Phylacia turbinata, recientemente reportada para ...
Biodiversity of Xylariaceae (Ascomycota) and their hosts in protected areas from Tucuman (Argentina)Biodiversidad de la familia Xylariaceae (Ascomycota) y sus hospedantes en áreas protegidas de Tucumán (Argentina)
(Museo Botánico, 2012-12)
Fourty nine species belonging to the genera Astrocystis, Biscogniauxia, Daldinia, Entonaema, Hypoxylon, Kretzschmaria, Phylacia, Poronia, Rosellinia, Stilbohypoxylon and Xylaria were recorded in protected areas from Tucuman. ...
Microdochium bolleyi (Ascomycota: Xylariales): Physiological characterization and structural features of its association with wheatMicrodochium bolleyi (Ascomycota: Xylariales): Caracterización fisiológica y caracteres estructurales de su asociación con trigo
(Sociedad Argentina de Botánica, 2018-07)
Las raíces de las plantas hospedan una gran diversidad de hongos, entre ellos, se encuentran los Endofitos Septados Oscuros (ESO). Microdochium bolleyi coloniza las raíces de trigo y otros cereales, aunque algunos autores ...
Phylogenetic and chemotaxonomic resolution of the genus Annulohypoxylon (Xylariaceae) including four new species
(Springer, 2016-07-05)
This study deals with an extensive evaluation focusing on phylogenetic and chemotaxonomic infrageneric relationships of the genus Annulohypoxylon (Xylariaceae, Ascomycota), whose species are ubiquitously associated with ...
Cannonia australis (Ascomycota, Xylariaceae) found in equatorial BrazilCannonia australis (Ascomycota, Xylariaceae) hallado en Brasil ecuatorial
(Instituto de Botánica Darwinion, 2012-06)
Cannonia is a xylarioid genus originally described from the southern hemisphere (Argentina and Australia) growing on dead parts of palms. To date, the genus is considered monospecific and the only species recognized is C. ...