Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2426
Powder Diffraction of Components Subject to Corrosion in Fuse Cutouts with CeramicInsulation
(Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2008-01-01)
Aiming identification of the components most affected by corrosion under saline environment conditions, we have carried out X-ray diffraction measurements in ceramic and bond materials, all in the powder form. The ceramic ...
Powder Diffraction of Components Subject to Corrosion in Fuse Cutouts with CeramicInsulation
(Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2008-01-01)
Aiming identification of the components most affected by corrosion under saline environment conditions, we have carried out X-ray diffraction measurements in ceramic and bond materials, all in the powder form. The ceramic ...
Powder diffraction of components subject to corrosion in fuse cutouts with ceramiclnsulation
Aiming identification of the components most affected by corrosion under saline environment conditions, we have carried out X-ray diffraction measurements in ceramic and bond materials, all in the powder form. The ceramic ...
Caracterização de resíduos proveniente da indústria petrolífera: estudo de caso
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNQuímica, 2015)
Preparación y caracterización de películas de nanofibras de TiO2 por electrospinning
ABSTRACT: In this work was obtained TiO2 nanofibers films by electrospinning, for which was design and constructed a system of deposit by electrospinning. Four series of samples were prepared varying the deposit parameters. ...
Evolução de fases durante a hidratação do cimento portland brasileiro por difração de raios x
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais - PPGCEMCâmpus São Carlos, 2021-03-03)
The physicochemical properties of cementitious materials are determined by the mineralogy and hydration process of the cement. In 2018, the ABNT NBR 16697 standard was published, unifying eight standards related to Portland ...