Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1123
“What is the effect of the Writing Workshop Instructional Model-WWIM on the academic writing skills of tenth graders in a private secondary school in Villamaría.”
(Facultad de Artes y HumanidadesManizalesMaestría en Didáctica del Inglés - Manizales, 2022)
Narrative and faculty development: results of a five years experience with a creative writing workshop
Background: Narrative medicine has showed to be a powerful instrument to reinforce relationships, identity, and self-knowledge among health professionals. Subjective issues have been recently recognized as relevant for ...
Taller de escritura: escritura y comunicación
(Programa de Estudios Argentinos y Latinoamericanos (PEAL) - Universidad de Belgrano, 2014)
Descripción del curso / Course Description
El curso busca desarrollar las habilidades de escritura de distintos tipos textuales a
través de la lectura, discusión y análisis de materiales auténticos, textos literarios ...
The Effect of the Writing Process Approach on Ninth Graders' Writing SkillsThe effect of the writing process approach on ninth graders' writing skills
(Facultad de Artes y HumanidadesManizalesMaestría en Didáctica del Inglés - Manizales, 2022)
On the Analysis of Texts or Performances in Playwriting Workshops: a brief reflection on a long odysseyDe l’Analyse des Textes ou des Spectacles aux Ateliers d’Écriture Dramatique: une brève réflexion pour une longue odysséeOn the Analysis of Texts or Performances in Playwriting Workshops: a brief reflection on a long odyssey
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2022)
Gêneros de discurso e ensino: análise de oficina de escrita do livro didático de língua portuguesa do 2º ciclo do ensino secundário de Angola
(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2020-03-11)
This paper aims to analyze which of the discursive linguistic perspectives for language teaching are included in the textbooks adopted in the 2nd cycle of secondary education in Angola that can provide the work with writing ...
Peer feedback in an online dissertation writing workshop
(Universidade Estadual de Londrina, 2021-10)
The article examines ‘in-text feedback’ and ‘overall feedback’ (KUMAR; STRACKE, 2007) on dissertation chapter drafts as well as students’ opinion about giving and receiving feedback, both before and after taking part in ...
Multiple Intelligences In The Development Of Expository Writing Production Of Eight Grade Students In A Private Institution
(Universidad del Quindío, Programa de Licenciatura en Lenguas Modernas, 2016-11-28)
Nowadays in the globalized society in which we lived it is important to acquire, master and know how to teach a foreign language. For this reason, the current action research sought to improve the expository writing ...
Métodos de estudio y redacción académica para la inclusión estudiantil: la experiencia de los talleres (2015-2018)Study methods and academic writing to include students in Higher Education: the experience of facilitating the workshops (from 2015 to 2018)
(Secretaría de Extensión y Bienestar Estudiantil, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2020)