Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 209
Comparison between proximal row carpectomy and four-corner fusion for treating osteoarthrosis following carpal trauma: a prospective randomized study
(Faculdade de Medicina / USP, 2011)
OBJECTIVE: To compare the functional results of carpectomy and four-corner fusion surgical procedures for treating osteoarthrosis following carpal trauma. METHODS: In this prospective randomized study, 20 patients underwent ...
How do orthoses impact ease of donning, handwriting, typewriting, and transmission of manual torque? A study of three prefabricated wrist-hand orthoses
Introduction: Many upper-limb injuries have work-related causes such as continued use of computers, typing activities, mouse manipulation, and repetitive movements performed for long periods. This study evaluated the ...
Rehabilitation system based on an electronic splint for recovery of wristand radial nerve injuriesSistema de rehabilitación basado en una férula electrónica para recuperación de lesiones de muñeca y nervio radial
(Riobamba: Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, 2021)
Desenvolvimento de índices radiográficos para auxílio ao diagnóstico das lesões perilunares
(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2020-03-26)
Objective: The objective of this study was to develop radiographic indexes that help the diagnostic confirmation of perilunate injuries. Methods: A descriptive, crosssectional, retrospective study was carried out with the ...
Introduction: This study evaluated the interobserver reliability of plain radiograpy versus computed tomography (CT) for the Universal and AO classification systems for distal radius fractures. Patients and methods: Five ...
Etiology of musculoskeletal injuries in amateur breakdancers
Aim. The aim of this study was to assess the incidence of musculoskeletal injuries in breakdancers and investigate the association with training habits.
Methods. Forty-six males and 16 females completed a questionnaire ...
Sindrome Tilt: reporte de caso
Triquetral impingement is a medical condition that affects the wrist and is characterized by compression of the triquetral complex. This condition can be caused by different factors, such as traumatic injuries, joint wear, ...
Traumatic orthopaedic injuries in the prison population
The United States has the highest population of inmates in the world (per capita and total). Musculoskeletal disorders are included within the 10 most frequent medical reports of prisoners; however, the literature about ...