Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2418
Union Organizing after the Collapse of Neoliberalism in Argentina: The Place of community in the Revitalization of the Labor Movement (2005-2011)
(SAGE Publications, 2014-11)
Recent Argentine history showed that since 2003 the labor movement became increasingly relevant due to protests organized by unionized formal workers. Labor revitalization in a context of persistent informality raised the ...
Hard Times: The Formation of the Working Class in Late‐Nineteenth‐Century Buenos Aires
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2014-12)
This article provides an assessment of labor unrest in Buenos Aires between 1888 and 1896, a relatively short period of time where substantial changes took place and the local labor movement was shaped. We address the ...
From structural breakage to political reintegration of the working class: relative surplus population layers in Argentina and their involvement in the Piqueter Movement
(Sage Publications, 2013-05)
In this paper we develop the Marxist notion of relative surplus population (RSP) to analyse the fracturing of the Argentinean working class. The Marxist concept of RSP refers to all the labouring population that capital ...
Movement classes during aligner stagingClasses de movimentos durante o estagiamento de alinhadores
Clinicians must know how aligners are produced in order to understand how they work. Besides knowing how to set up the teeth, it is of utmost importance that the orthodontist knows how the staging of the treatment is ...
Paris Commune, “parties” and “movements”Comuna de Paris, “partidos” e “movimentos”
(Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2011)
"Quilombo contemporâneo": o fluxo televisivo mediado pela identidade étnica e movimento social
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBRComunicaçãoUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação, 2008-03-04)
This work is composed by a case study and has as main principles cultural studies and the Latin-American line of reception. The research involves participants of the Black Social Movement of Santa Maria city, located in ...
Hernán Camarero, A la conquista de la clase obrera. Los comunistas y el mundo del trabajo en la Argentina, 1920-1935, Buenos Aires, Siglo XXI, 2007, 397 páginas.
(Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 2009)
El libro de Camarero parte de un dato que, aunque no incorporado al sentido común, es hoy aceptado entre los investigadores: la importante implantación de los cuadros comunistas en el movimiento obrero que precedió al ...
Mirta Zaida Lobato, La prensa obrera. Buenos Aires y Montevideo. 1890-1958, Buenos Aires, Edhasa, 2009, 256 páginas
(Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 2010)
Si formuláramos hoy una vieja pregunta de cuño marxista, revitalizada por E. P. Thompson en el campo historiográfico, acerca de cómo se forman las clases sociales o, más específicamente, cómo se produce la formación de una ...